I | Inside Out Journal | Chapter IV

This Is a Warning: It’s All Fun And Games Here.

Matt Breakwell
5 min readApr 30, 2020


This is not completely unrelated to this week’s edition.

We’re serving some hot takes in this week’s installment of the Inside Out Journal.

Join us in search of all things DIY, the best news title in the world, and even some quality coding tips.

Day 30 of Quarantine: My cat cooked me some lasagna.

— Constantin, Dev that surely ate more than lasagna

Food for thought

Here’s this week’s dose of ‘wow, this is a very diverse bunch of articles’ content.

Inside stories

This is what happens when you put all the Chiefs together.

This is a section we’d like to be able to tell you we know what is happening in, but we can’t.

There seems to be some kind of an improv session going on? We can spot two highly amused founders, a dashing CTO, one cool-kid-from-the-block looking
CDO and possibly the world’s most hip Brand Alchemist.

Next time, maybe send some context along with the photo, guys?

It’s been long enough since we’ve been inside for us to start switching careers, become viral internet sensations, or do some weird things to our homes.

Team Lead/pro DIY-er Adrian recommended this, don’t ask us why…

Chameleon living an extraordinary ordinary life Oana, aka the DIY Empress.

This edition is also rapidly turning into a DIY extravaganza, so if we’re all here, allow us to show you, for the first time ever, in a world premiere:

The Cat Took Over The Furniture You Built: Now It’s Theirs and They’re Not Sorry.

Me, Myself and I

The perfect title doesn’t exis —

Well, that took a weird turn.

This week we’re not only here to explore the Peacock Revolution, but other Revolutions as well, like the one in the live-animal-as-a-zoom-call-guest industry.

Day ∞ of Quarantine: I’m enjoying a talk with my robot vacuum cleaner. He’s a great listener. Good guy, Carlitos.

— Cătălina, Community Fairy that should be kept away from your robots

Fast-Thinking Business

You might be familiar by now with Elon Musk’s quest to make the world a better (and weirder) place. His antics include founding The Boring Company, (which produced the very popular Not a Flamethrower), founding Tesla and SpaceX, all reputable and respectable companies.

But that doesn't stop us from cry-laughing at the fact that amongst the products they sold were ‘overpriced Boring Company fire extinguishers’ which ‘you can definitely buy for less elsewhere’ but none of the others came ‘with a cool sticker and the button is conveniently riiiight above’.

Well, he’s done it again.

SpaceX is leveraging its experience in building rockets and spacecraft to deploy the world’s most advanced broadband internet system.

What that means is that by launching hundreds of low-orbit satellites, they’re facilitating access to high-speed broadband internet to locations where access has been unreliable, expensive, or completely unavailable. With 420 satellites and a 2021 launch date for the near-global coverage, we’ve got our eye on this project.

Oh, and they’re pretty to look at. So pretty in fact that someone made a tracker that makes the joy of looking at shiny objects in space even more accessible.

For the giggles

These are funny times.

Did anyone else get all of them? Asking for a friend…

Before you go…

Our CEO, James wrote an article about how startups cope in the ever-changing environment of today’s digital landscape and how they can help in times of crisis. You can check it out here ⬇ ️

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This week we faced this challenge. It did turn out pretty great if you ask us…

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Matt Breakwell

A digital & software incubator building digital products for inspiring people & teams.