U | Inside Out Journal | Chapter III

Oops, we did it again?

Matt Breakwell
5 min readApr 24, 2020


Communication fairy Cătălina, did something bad…

Hey guys, it’s us again. Guess what? We’ve been inside for more than a month. It’s time to get down and dirty to share how we’re dealing with indoor life.

Like the metamorphic team we are, when we saw what kind of a turn the global situation was taking, we adapted. There was room for adjustment and some growing pains, but we came through for each other and stuck together.

What this edition brings to your day is a ‘make do with what you have’ attitude, some pointers for an efficient WFH environment, some wacky testimonials from our team, and a lot of good news.

Day 42 of Quarantine: Baking banana bread and shaving your head suddenly makes sense, Britney.

— Timi, UX tamer

Food for thought

Here’s this week’s dose of thought-inducing content.

Inside Stories

No food left untried, no plate left uncleaned for Cătălin.

If we want to keep sane while in lockdown, we gotta keep a busy mind and a positive outlook.

Some Squids turned to their passions and hobbies and reignited their love for the long-lost art of cooking.

The only handshake you should ask for these days, or ever.

Some tried teaching their pups new tricks. It might have been more or less successful, but the effort counts, right?

Nevada is an esteemed guest and colleague in our studio, she gives the best handshakes, hands down (or rather, paws down).

What is even happening?

If we’re breaking down Squid habits, we can’t gloss over this sustained effort to become an internet meme (a somewhat successful try, if we can say so), nor the hilarious result of her hard work, as shown to you in this real piece of work from Irina. We’re hoping she gets to internet fame sooner rather than later…

Name a faster dev than Iulian, we’ll wait.

Some members of the team turned out to be very successful in their quest for a top physique.

Some made it a top priority to be as creative as we could and home some of those skills we’ve always wanted to work on.

Now that we’re all inside, there’s more time to spend trying to be better.

Some members of the Squad turned to volunteering. We all donated to NGOs and foundations and tried to help out where we all could. We’re making a sustained effort to make an impact and give a helping hand where we can.

Sometime last week, we proposed that the team take this personality quiz so we can all see what type of mix we are. We found out the team is just as much a fun blend of chaos, calm, and wacky as we thought. Without a doubt, we complete each other but we are still a diverse bunch, with interests, characters, and personalities spread over the entire spectrum.

You’ve seen glimpses of what we’re all doing in our day-to-day lives, but this is kind of a full picture of what the Squad looks like.

Me, Myself and I

If there ever was a time to binge-watch animated shorts and explore the wondrous way we perceive and understand the human world, it is now.

Day…what day is this? Oh the sun is out.

— Amalia, CDO and 100% vampire

Fast-Thinking Business

A look at what’s ahead for our future.

Have you ever thought about what you’d do during an Internet shutdown?

This is a Public Service Announcement about how, why and when to send notifications. We repeat, critical information above.

For the giggles

What’s the Internet for if not silly quizzes and making fun of the horrid reality of our day-to-day life. Ha. Ha.

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Matt Breakwell

A digital & software incubator building digital products for inspiring people & teams.