My Last Post on This Shithole Called Medium (probably)

Steve B Howard NOVELIST
Squid Game Hustle
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2023


Never say never, but I think I’m done here.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

My subscription is done in Oct 2023 and I’m not going to pay these fucks ar Medium for the “privilege” of providing them with content. The WGA was right to strike over bull shit like this. I’ll leave my account open in case anyone still wants to read my stuff here, but I won’t be writing and publishing anything new here.

If you still want to read my stuff I’ll be posting and publishing it at News Break and eventually Substack once I figure out how to use it better. Here are the links if you want to follow me there or if you want to read any of my books.

Best of luck to all of you that are staying on Medium. I do hope you find some success here. I sure didn’t.

