We aren’t paying it anymore!

Whyte Queen
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2017


My birth made my baba unhappy
His family called him a weakling;
a man without performance
Does my being a girl indicate nothing but weakness?
Can’t I walk on dark streets unattended?
And without fear or flight
Should I be married off to a father, Father?

The girl is the mother of the man
Why am I being subjected to such a cruel faith?
Why do I have to give up schooling?
With the excuse I’ll only end up in a man’s house?
Should I be the only one to pay dearly?
I have struggled since birth
Will the struggle continue till death?

Do I continually have to prove my worth?
Am I some kind of good to be traded and bargained for?
Is my place only on your bed and kitchen?
Why do I have to be sold to sexual slavery?
Why do I have to be battered by spineless jellies in the form of a man?
Why am I required to be mute?
Why was I taught to swallow my views?

Why are my opinions seen as misguided, senseless and emotional?
Have you learnt to loose empathy?
Woe unto you!
Shame on you!
You know absolutely nothing!
I can be a boy whilst being a girl; a role you can never undertake
I toil from dawn to dusk; a task you cannot carry out however hard you try

I can be a mother and a father; you can never be a mother
I forsook all I had; you’ve learnt to miss nothing
I’ve had my body bisected and dissected to bring forth life; pains you can’t bear
I’ve changed my name and identity to suit yours; a sacrifice you can’t afford
Girls learn to talk faster but their views are often overshadowed
We’re now walking deads
A machine of ideas destroyed and subdued!

I call on brave men; stand against sexism
Listen you political rapists, domestic violators and biased employees
Respect me because I’m not a thing
All men Listen up!
Reverence me because I’m not just a girl child
But the determinant of your tomorrow
The pride of your present

Mind those weapons between your legs
stripping me off my virginity and integrity
causing fear and panic in the hearts of women alike and the girl child
Don’t hit me because you think I’m weak
Don’t rape me because I haven’t learn how to fight for myself
Don’t because I’m much too small to understand the meaning of sex
Stop because this hole isn’t ready to be rammed

Let me walk without fear of being grabbed from behind
Quit depositing your sacred sperm into anything that’s open
Don’t have me in turns with your freaking ferocious friends
I was not meant to be shared
Don’t take it by force that which I cannot give
I’m not an instrument of sexual pleasure
I’m not an incubator for those forced spermatozoas

I’m not ready to understand this pain;
Was not never born to
Don’t force that large mass of abandon on me
I’ve learnt not to wear the best of clothes; but my brothers do
They’re your pride; evidence of your manhood
Spare no attention to me; shower it all to them
They will grow into men like you and will forget your existence
And I’ll be the one coming to your rescue

It’s all thanks to your rejection I’ve been able to be better
I’ve risen beyond these setbacks; a kaleidoscope of beatitude
An unfathomable force; an unpredictable entity
One who’s tired of these phenomenon
Know I’m not the girl you used to know
I’m the shadow of my past
And a mirror of my present
I won’t pay for my feminism

