Forum Cheese: We’ve lost track of the dates

Squish Turtle
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2011

Step right up! Step right up! Forum Cheese is back!

That’s right, the ooey, gooey, salty snack you love to digest every week is back on your inter-tubes! Sit back, relax, grab your cheque book and enjoy this weeks’ helping of the cheese!


New Memborz

Since our last iteration of Forum Cheese, we’ve had a few new members join up. And while we may be missing one or two, let’s all gather around an officially welcome Boozer (who we forgot many moons ago), Privatedonut42 and TacoMuncha!

Interesting name choices all round. Welcome to the forums!


Interesting Developments

It’s the new but probably temporary segment of the cheese you will grow to love and forget! We’ve had some very interesting developments since our last Forum Cheese.

Firstly, Riz has taken a step back from the podcasts for some reason and we welcome our newer, cheaper host, Ross! You can check out all the podcasts here!

We’ve also launched (or re-launched) our mobile digest site! You can get all the latest news updates on your phone, simply by scanning the QR code you see on the right hand side! Here’s someone elses’ list of a bunch of QR readers in case you can’t be bothered doing a Google Search.

Finally, we’ve added a new “vote up” option to each forum thread. Use this button to “like” or “promote” a post within the forums! You can see how many of your posts have been voted up by checking out the “Respect” points on your profile. More info over here!

Also finally, we’ve launched the Aussie-Gamer Facebook Page! Like us (on the side of the screen) to get all our updates on Facebook! We would like you.

Oh, did I mention the new logo? Well, there’s a new logo. It looks awesome. Check out all our old logos and feel the love here!


Intriguing Thread of the Week

By now, I know what you’re thinking. What’s the most¬†intriguing¬†thread of the week?

A Facebook group have been formed in a hideous attempt to boycott the Nintendo 3DS. It’s in support of human rights and Gamer decided to write up a big bitch about it, which is pretty¬†intriguing.

Join the discussion here!


Remember this competition?

TOKI did! And rightly so, since he won a copy of Transformers: Rise of the Fallen for Xbox 360! Our elves are currently delivering it as we speak, so well done Toki!

Runner up Mega Jenkins is enjoying his unspecified amount of time on Xbox Live Gold!



Okay, so we’ve dropped the ball a little on keeping up to date on all the member blogs. All you need to know is that all the new blogs can be found here!

Keep blogging guys, we have some cool stuff in mind for blogs in the not-too-distant future!


That’s all she wrote for this week and… wait, where are our manners?! It’s the Nintendo 3DS launch week after all! How could we forget the appearance of…

[caption id=”attachment_4087" align=”aligncenter” width=”256" caption=”IWATAMOTO!!!!!”]


Phew! Dodged a bullet there.

See you next… week?



Squish Turtle

Writer, blogger, Nintendo reporter for 10+ years. Creator of Atlantis Media and more