Super Mario Odyssey has Unannounced Online Mode

Australian Classification Board reveals new details about upcoming Nintendo Switch platformer

Squish Turtle
Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2017


According to the Australian Classification Board, upcoming Nintendo Switch title Super Mario Odyssey will include an online mode that has yet to be announced.

In a routine press release regarding the games’ classification status the ACB noted it would change Nintendo’s recommendation of a “PG — mild themes and violence, online interactivity” advice to a “PG — mild violence, online interactivity”.

It’s easy to speculate what the online interactivity would entail: new stages via DLC? Uploading rankings and stage clearance information? Miiverse-like comments? Nintendo has not announced any online features for Super Mario Odyssey at this time.

The official website for game doesn’t hold any clues, either. Copy at the page talks about how the game is returning to its Super Mario 64 roots. At this years’ E3 expo Nintendo revealed a two-player co-op mode that has a second player control Cappy — Mario’s cap companion — in a similar manner to the mechanics employed in Super Mario Galaxy, but it seems unlikely the mode would translate to an online co-op mode.

Super Mario Odyssey hits Nintendo Switch on October 27.



Squish Turtle

Writer, blogger, Nintendo reporter for 10+ years. Creator of Atlantis Media and more