Photo: Goran Stanzl / PIXSELL

Launching Webshop for Croatia’s Biggest Grocery Retailer

Srđan Laterza
Srđan Laterza
Published in
2 min readJan 29, 2016


In Croatia, Konzum stores are everywhere. So, when the brand decided to rebrand and relaunch its webshop, it also had to be — everywhere.

2015, portfolio work

First, their brand identity needed a facelift, so Konzum online became Konzum klik. “Klik” is a Croatian version of the word “click”, probably the most frequently used word in computing, so it was fit for a brand accessible and available to everyone in Croatia.

Translation: The closest store

Konzum’s physical stores, over 800 of them, are a staple of Croatian food grocery. Konzum is everywhere, but with the launch of the new webshop “everywhere” became more literal.

We created a social media campaign that teased the opening of Konzum at the weirdest places across Croatia, to create buzz across the country before the launch.

Translation: The new Konzum, even here starting November 26th.

The project was realized by Brlog and Bruketa&Žinić.



Srđan Laterza
Srđan Laterza

Award Winning Senior Copywriter, Screenwriter & Fiction Writer