From Art to App: An Italian’s Odyssey on the Digital Frontier

SRC Innovations
SRC Innovations
Published in
6 min readJul 2, 2023

Serena Nasino, a 25-year-old Masters graduate in the Management of Art, Culture, and Entertainment, from Italy, joined SRC Innovations as an intern from October 2022 to January 2023. Explore her journey and discover her notable achievement in contributing to the successful launch of the meet halfway app on both the App Store and Play Store. Serena reflects on her experience and shares valuable insights that will undoubtedly shape her future endeavours.

Ciao! Today, I want to share with you my internship experience in Australia. As an Italian with a background in art and culture management, stepping into the world of IT marketing was like exploring uncharted territory. But filled with curiosity and a desire for travel, I embarked on this remarkable journey. Join me as I recount the highlights, challenges, and lessons learned during my internship at SRC Innovations.

What motivated you to pursue an internship in Australia?

Around this time last year, I was absorbed in writing my master’s thesis when I received an email from my university reminding me of deadlines to apply for an internship abroad. I had just returned from a semester in the United States, and I was about to graduate without a specific plan for what lay ahead. I had never been to Australia and when I read about it as a potential destination I enrolled for an internship in marketing in Melbourne simply to see how it would unfold. I’ve always loved traveling and learning from people of diverse cultural backgrounds but, at the time, I did not know how this experience would far surpass my expectations, evolving into much more than just a three-month work experience. After graduating and completing a series of interviews and paperwork, my journey was set to begin.

How has your experience in Australia differed from your expectations?

As mentioned, I had never been to Australia and my imagination (as well as my friends) was limited to the collective imagery of natural landscape and native wildlife. Upon arriving in Melbourne and joining SRC, I was immediately surprised by the cultural diversity of the city, which beautifully extended into the workplace and helped me adjust quickly to the new environment. I literally fell in love with the parks, the local markets, the city views, the cafes and the restaurants, (maybe less with the unpredictable weather), and, above all, the friendly and open-minded people.

Wherever I go, I always ask myself a question: “Would I live here for the next three years?” I don’t remember having such a fast, positive answer as I had for Melbourne. Plus, who would have thought I would trade a strong espresso for a creamy almond latte and get used to look right first before crossing the street so quickly?

What challenges did you encounter during your internship, and how did you overcome them?

Entering the marketing world in the IT field proved to be thrilling and challenging. Thankfully, with the guidance of my mentors and colleagues, I became captivated by the potential of IT and eagerly tried to absorb every task, learning that passion and determination can overcome any limitations. Their support and patience enabled me to adapt and develop new skills, bridging the gap between art and technology.

Can you share any memorable moments or highlights from your time as an intern in Australia?

Oh, I had, in a short time, so many memorable experiences that I will never forget. Among them, I would say exploring the breathtaking landscapes of the Great Ocean Road, hiking trough the stunning beaches of Sydney or ballooning above Melbourne. But to be honest, what I think I will always keep the closest to my heart is every simple walk while chatting and sipping coffee in Fitzroy, every lunch-break in the CBD, every sunset in St. Kilda, every dinner out and every show at the theatre… every simple but meaningful moment I spent with the beautiful souls I had the chance to meet. However, the downside of these international connections is not always knowing when or where you’ll see them again. But you know, the beauty lies in appreciating the present moment and the bonds we create, knowing that while our paths may diverge, we will always carry something of them with us.

In what ways has this internship contributed to your personal and professional growth?

As I said, throughout my internship, I had the privilege of receiving mentorship and support from the whole team. Their experience, expertise, and willingness to guide me have been instrumental in my development. On a personal level, I’ve become more adaptable, confident, and resilient and gained a profound appreciation for the power of cultural diversity and collaboration. Professionally, I’ve acquired valuable skills and deepened my passion for marketing while broadening my understanding of the IT industry. This internship has really been a transformative experience! Every lesson learned and relationship forged during my time at SRC fills me with gratitude.

Did you face any language or communication barriers during your internship, and how did you navigate them?

I’m not going to lie, I did encounter some language and communication barriers because, despite always having consumed English culture, engaging in conversations both in and outside of work is a totally different story. However, I realised the importance of taking risks and embracing mistakes as learning opportunities. I learned that it’s better to say something and learn from my mistakes rather than waiting to ensure everything is said perfectly. Conversations keep flowing, and if you hesitate too much, you miss the chance to connect with people and improve your language. The more I embraced this mindset, the more I found myself improving and connecting with others on a deeper level.

What skills or knowledge have you gained that you believe will benefit your future career?

My arrival at SRC coincided with the decision to adapt the website of one of their products, Meet Halfway, to a mobile app — my job was to help launch the Meet Halfway app on the marketing team.

As mentioned, this product initially began as a website and was launched in October 2021. Its purpose was to facilitate meeting up with friends and family members by finding halfway locations, especially after the challenging months of social distancing caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

My primary involvement pivoted around the marketing strategies definition and implementation for the new app. This entailed activities such as targeting, positioning, cost investigation, and digital content creation, including planning, editing, and copywriting. Additionally, I engaged in online interactions with users and other businesses. Despite lacking a background in technology, I also contributed to the testing and documentation of the product.

Hence, this experience allowed me to cultivate a versatile skill set that transcends industry boundaries and that will undoubtedly benefit my future career, enabling me to thrive in a rapidly evolving global market.

What advice would you give to other foreign interns considering an internship at SRC Innovations?

My advice would be to embrace the unknown with an open mind:

  • Seek mentorship and guidance from the supportive environment at SRC.
  • Cherish the multicultural environment.
  • Learn from diverse backgrounds.
  • Build lasting connections.
  • Finally, make the most of your time in Australia by immersing yourself in the vibrant culture and exploring its stunning landscapes.

This transformative experience will allow you to express your potential and shape your future career while creating lifelong memories.

And finally, as a fun question, if you could sum up your internship experience in one word or phrase, what would it be?

A journey of deep personal and professional discovery and enrichment.

During my internship, I had a positive and unforgettable experience that encompassed both personal and professional growth. The cultural exchange enriched my perspective, while the opportunity to work in a professional setting opened up new possibilities for my future career.

I am grateful and proud to be part of the SRC team.

Originally published at on July 2, 2023.



SRC Innovations
SRC Innovations
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IT Consultancy based in Melbourne.