A Fresh Start to 2020!

James Lam
SRC - Yours
Published in
3 min readFeb 29, 2020

Hey everyone!

Woooaahh, how did we end up here? After sending out our first edition of Yours, we realised that maybe we should release news when it’s brand new, rather than when it’s no longer relevant. Hence, we moved over to Medium, where we can upload whenever possible, for you all to read :)

So how will the SRC be working in 2020? Take a peek at this diagram below:

SRC Structure 2020

A few days ago, we finally inducted the last few members into the Executive Council! So now, let me introduce to you our whole Council!

Within the Executive Council, we have our Cabinet, Year Level Executives and Co-Conveners.


Here’s the Cabinet, which is made up of 6 Year 12 students. They all have individual roles within the Cabinet, but all together, make sure the SRC runs smoothly for the year. Below are our roles within the Cabinet (from top left to bottom right).

From top left to bottom right: Treasurer: Heshan Witanachchi, Chair of Communities and Wellbeing: Naveen Jayakody, Chair of Events: Austin Swamy, Secretary: Aaran Paalendra, Chair of Advocacy: Brian Lee, Chair of Communications: James Lam

Year Level Executives & Co-Conveners:

Here’s our Year Level Executives and Co-Conveners! They ensure that the cohort are at their 💯and run all the Year Level Initiatives. Year Level Executives are voted in by their cohort where as Co-Conveners are Year 11 Students that are assigned as mentors for the Year 9 & 10 SRC Team. Without further a do, they are:

Year 9 Execs: Kunal Gupta and Adrian Nguyen | Year 10 Execs: Antony Kim and Qing Zhu
Year 11 Execs: Anh-Phi Nguyen and Pravinth Raghudhevan | Year 12 Execs: Samuel Sugumaran and Tej Kanda
Year 9 Co-Convener: Zachary Hong | Year 10 Co-Convener: Jaffer Al-Haidary

And also our Form Representatives and SRC Members! Form Representatives are elected by their form to voice the opinions and concerns of their form as well as keep their form in the loop with what’s happening in the SRC. Whereas SRC Members are any student that is keen to be involved and can commit in 1 working group all the way to every single one. We’ll be posting sign ups for SRC Member shortly!

For more information about the SRC Structure, click here.

Thanks for reading!

