Qing Zhu
SRC - Yours
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2020
Inaugural MHS & MGHS Corona Cup (Year 10)


Our beginning to the new decade has no doubt been filled with its ups and downs. But with school slated for reopening on 9th June, things are beginning to look normal again. In the meantime, it should be common knowledge by now that the Year 10 Leadership Team has been planning furiously in conjunction with MGHS leaders to bring everyone together with an Inter-Form event.

Unfortunately, due to Administrative Issues earlier on, Corona Cup was forced to be postponed and reorganized. However, everything is ready to go now and there should be no more problems/issues.

Unfortunately, streaming for Corona Cup was not allowed, and therefore for some events, the most we can do is hold a Google Meet. That option allows students to view and spectate whilst others are competing.

MHS & MGHS CORONA CUP was designed to encourage student’s school spirit during Social Isolation. Whilst the event is predominantly an Inter-School event, it is also part of the MHS Form Cup. Hence, we encourage all forms to bring out your best !

Corona Cup will be formally introduced on Tuesday 12th May and run during Week 6 of Term 2, the 19th — 21st May from 4–5:30 pm.

*The usage of chats will depend on each Class Rep’s discretion.


  • Everyone will be put into teams based upon their forms
  • Forms 10I and 10K will be combined.
  • Forms 10L and 10M will be evenly distributed across the other forms. (Names of people distributed stay the same as before)
  • Above Steps are taken to ensure MGHS AND MHS have even number of forms (10).
  • (For more clarification about Forms, please contact any SRC or Social Service Rep)^
  • SRC Reps (MHS) and Social Service Reps (MGHS) will lead these teams.
  • They should be your first point of contact, and will organize/manage the participants for each of the events.


All events will be monitored by at least 1 MGHS or MHS Rep

Trivia (All will have 2 participants from each form, 1 MHS & 1 MGHS):

Asian Pop Culture (e.g. K-Pop), TikTok, Throwbacks, Sports, Anime, Movies/TV Shows, Western Pop Culture, Music, MHS/MGHS History, Coronavirus


League of Legends:

  • 2 Participants from each form (1 MHS & 1 MGHS), 20 total contestants
  • Conducted via the League of Legends game with at least one spectator
  • The top two forms on the total leaderboard will compete with the winner progressing as a bye into the finals, the other eight forms will compete in a classic eight team bracket.
  • In the unlikely scenario that MGHS does not show interest, the 10 MHS boys will be shuffled using to form two 5 player teams that will compete.

  • 2 Participants from each form, 1 MHS & 1 MGHS
  • All 20 will be placed into 2 pools, and top 3 of each pool will play off in final of 6.
  • For point allocation (See Points)
  • 2 Rounds for each game
  • 2 Pools played simultaneously and following that finals are played.
  • Only Pool 1 & Finals will be streamed.


  • 4 Players from each form (2 MHS and 2 MGHS), 40 total contestants.
  • Conducted on UnoFreak
  • 4 Pools of 10 players, top 2 of each pool enter final 8.
  • Specific Rules regarding UNO will be maintained as per usual UNO rules on UNOFREAK.

  • 4 Participants from each form (2 MHS & 2 MGHS), 40 total contestants
  • will align with regular rules.
  • Teammates should communicate with each other through own platforms
  • Zoom Call will be in place to ensure there is time limit, as well as to maintain transparency.
  • Participants with top 3 highest masses at end of time limit will be declared winners.


  • 2 Participants from each form, 20 total contestants
  • All contestants will lobby into one game. Representatives of each form create a duo, and compete to place highest among other participants.
  • Points determined once both members of a duo are out.
  • Official rules will be created/moderated during server creation.

Drawing Competition:

  • A theme will be announced on the first day in the morning of the Corona Cup. Contestants have until Wednesday the 20th at 5pm to create an artwork based on that theme and hand it in.
  • The MacRob and MHS Year levels will vote for their favourite artwork, which will then determine the winners.
  • Winners will be announced on the Friday of the Corona Cup week
  • Artwork must be original, and only one piece can be handed in for the competition
  • Contestants don’t need to be standardised across forms, anyone can participate

During Corona Cup, please ensure that you maintain high levels of respect for your fellow peers, as well as MGHS students.

Again, if there are any more queries or concerns, feel free to contact your SRC or Social Service Rep.

Stay Safe and Good Luck!

Year 10 SRC

