So… What’s Up With Events?

Austin Swamy
SRC - Yours
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2020

Oh ma gawd! What is going on with the world right now?

In this time of crisis, we must remain calm and look to help out those people in our community who are in need, when required. This could be an example of an event that is not set in place, but one we must remain conscious of. If we can help wherever, whenever, we must look to do so. Looking at our school community, there are several ways to stay connected with your mates and teachers. Whether that be through social media, giving them a buzz or even through email, your mates are still around even though you are not able to see them for a while.

Events looking forward:

In regards to Events this year and adding on from the Facebook post, this year we are still looking for ways to incorporate events into the student’s lives. Obviously they may not be as open-air as dodge-ball, but online and community events could still occur. A quick props to the Yr 9 and 10 Execs who have been starting a Corona Cup and are using the online platform of Discord to help plan for their cohorts. Looking to expand on their great work, we have been playing many e-Sports related events in this time of crisis. Taking our Form Cup gaming events and embedding them at home is the goal, to keep students connected and allow for them to escape away from their studies too. We are looking to integrate games like Minecraft, League of Legends, FIFA, Wii Sports and NBA 2K into Form Cups and allowing students to enjoy these games with their peers.

What can you do with the SRC?

Planning with Aaran, James, Qing, Naveen, Pravinth, Tej, Brian, Zach and Austin Swamy!

We are also looking into creating whole school events along with fellow students and trying to further connect every cohort through games, community events etc. The SRC are also looking into planning some events with other schools who are also experiencing the same difficulties at home and wish to connect with their fellow students. A student recommended a best trick-shot challenge for the students, which could easily be incorporated into a Form Cup event. Looking into the Educational aspects, we wish to open our students to support sessions being streamed online, with input allowed from students for questions and queries. This will propel the students hopefully in the right direction as we must remember that during this time, the world keeps turning. Through your input and ideas, we can further upgrade our ideas and bring them into fruition.

Reminder for the year ahead:

From Facebook: Yes, the worst of the virus is probably still to come for us and yes maybe we may not have all the events planned or even be at school, but we MUST come together as a school and stick by each others sides to make this year end on the biggest high. I really just want to have the best year possible and that can only be together with my boys! Hopefully, this entire situation we are all in ends sooner than later and we can all go back to enjoying everything the way it was and still can be.

Austin Swamy

