Year 10 Form Cup - UNO Results

SRC - Yours
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2020

Thank you to everyone who came to our inaugural Year 10 Form Cup event for 2020. We would also like to say a big thank you to everyone’s efforts and bringing out your best on the day.

After the UNO Competition, the form ranking stands at the following:

  • 1st 10M — 6 Points
  • 2nd 10K — 5 Points
  • 3rd 10F — 4 Points
  • 4th 10B, 10H, 10G — 3 Points
  • 5th 10A, 10C, 10D, 10E, 10J, 10L — 2 Points

To those Forms further down the ranking, there will still be plenty of opportunities in the future for your Form to win more points!

Speaking of events in the future, as you have no doubt heard by now the COVID-19 is greatly impacting the nation and as such social distancing measures have to be put into place. This is why there are a lot of extracurricular and various school events being cancelled, and unfortunately the SRC is no exception. Due to the nature of the virus and the activities, until further notice the Junior and Senior Social are postponed. Other events like the Minecraft and Smash Cup may also have to occur remotely, through Twitch or other means, and for more info about that continue to watch this space. All of us here at the SRC would like to thank you for being patient with these interruptions that mean that we can’t run things like usual.

Once again, thank you all, and wash your hands!

Year 10 SRC Cabinet

