Year 10 SRC (The Golden Age)

Qing Zhu
SRC - Yours
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2020

The Golden Age: YEAH THE BOYS!!

Year 10 SRC Executives: Antony Kim and Qing Zhu

Time has flown hasn’t it?

As many will know, Medium will be our primary source of communication between the SRC and the MHS Student Body. And this first edition of SRC Medium Blog is brought to you by the Year 10 SRC Executives.

With many events and initiatives, it is ever more important that we ensure MHS Students are kept up to date with all the latest news and updates. Thus, we will aim to maintain a monthly frequency of uploading new Medium posts.


Year 10 SRC Team

First of all, we would like to offer all those who were elected as SRC and Form Captain’s for their respective forms a well-deserved congratulations! And to those who were unable to be elected for a role, we encourage that you continue to strive for more leadership positions and opportunities in the near future. This year, the SRC Rep’s will be playing an extremely important role in relaying messages from the SRC to all the forms. So, we stress that those entitled to respective leadership roles maintain a satisfactory level of leadership and initiative.


Earlier in 2020, a survey was published on Compass with the assistance of our Year 10 Student Co-Ordinators. The results which we were able to obtain have proved to be quite insightful (Except for a few questionable answers of course). Here are a few examples:

‘ World’s Greatest Shave Team Hosted on the day at school, donate to a student/teacher or donate to the school’s team’

‘Allow scarves to be worn in class and in school. unban the phone policy. Possible more events which would include other schools such as Macrob.’

‘Maybe having a monthly event might make the student body’s outlook better. And the idea of a weekly blog is a good idea.’

‘End of year activity was not a good choice (timezone)’

‘Form cup was good’

Based on most of those responses, we will be doing our best to ensuring most of them can become a reality. Evidently, we don’t have the power to allow us to use smartphones again, but we will do our best to ensure that other initiatives going around the school will run as smoothly and successfully as possible. These include the Year 10 House Cup with Macrob, SENS Cup, Year 10 Form Cup with more events and a Grand Prize (More to come in regards to that).

2020 PLANS:

Form Cup:

  • Dodgeball, Minecraft, Smash, Spelling, Chess, 3 vs 3 Basketball, Soccer, Jenga (All of these are TBC, however we are confident they are able to go ahead).


  • A Theme

Movie and Trivia Night


VCE Support (Resources)

Sustainability Projects (Solar Panels etc.)

End of year Activity

More Surveys and Newsletters

Looking forward to a positive 2020!

Thanks for Reading!

Qing & Antony

