The Dialog empire: Hans Wijayasuriya

Bihan Mahadewa
Sri Lankan Visionaries
2 min readJan 22, 2022

Chairman of the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce has called on the private sector to be an equal partner in securing an accelerated economic recovery in the island.

Speaking at today’s opening session of the Sri Lanka Economic Summit 2020, Dr. Hans Wijayasuriya said, it is our view that the private sector is an equal partner in securing an accelerated economic recovery.

“Sri Lanka’s private sector has been quick to transform, commencing with employment preservation via adjustment of production and service portfolios alongside the retraining and redeployment of human capital,”

“Equal focus was directed at re-engineering supply and value chains with primacy for domestic supply eco-systems and the sustenance of SMEs. It is imperative that Sri Lanka’s private sector continues to be competitive and agile and continues to expand employment opportunities.”

The private sector has demonstrated that leading the resurgence as opposed to hoping for brighter externalities can deliver transformative results, he added.

The first two sessions of the economic summit focused on the external and internal dimensions of post Covid-19 economic recovery.

Touching on the subject Wijayasuriya says the Chamber has espoused the view that an accelerated post-covid recovery will be predicated on the effective execution of a public-private shared vision for economic revival and social sustenance.

“A vision based on three founding principles: First, people centricity : Primacy for the protection of life and livelihoods whereby Sri Lanka’s employment, human development and socio-economic indicators are secured as an immediate priority,”

“Second, the ambition of a “V Shaped” — take- off third, the need and appetite for exceptional, bold and innovative measures which include exceptional stimuli, restraint and calibration to enable the regeneration of growth.”

