Newton, an inspiring Indian Start-up

Sri Maneru
Sri Maneru
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2018

I am a big fan of Newton (both product and the company), and they are an inspiration for Indian SaaS start-ups like mine. They especially do a terrific job in two key functions.

Customer Support

They have tonnes of users like me and even at that scale, their response time is awesome while ensuring the ‘response quality’ .

I looked at my last 5 emails to them, and their response time was around 18 min.
I had reported a bug, they kept me informed till they fixed it.

Their attentiveness coupled with thoughtful response & care enriched my experience as a customer — I felt valued.


Easily one of the best designed products from India that I have come across. Their product ‘wowed’ me especially when I was a loyal Gmail user for more than 8 years which in itself is a great product with unlimited resources at it’s disposal.

I will take one specific example.

This is the empty state for inbox zero in Gmail — Pretty boring
Inbox zero in Newton — Feels good when I see this

To summarize, purely in terms of UI/UX

  • Good → Awesome
  • Wordpress → Medium
  • Google Docs (word) → Paper by DropBox
  • Gmail → Newton

P.S: Since I used so many superlatives, I thought I will clarify — It’s not a paid review, it’s rather a fan post :)

