Values at ACM SIGCHI chapter

Srishti Institute ACM SIGCHI student chapter —

Pranjal Jain
Srishti SIGCHI Chapter
3 min readMar 12, 2019


Whosoever is the chapter chair of the ACM SIGCHI chapter at Srishti Institute, the challenge for him or her would be to grow the community along with each individuals’ growth who are part of the core committee. This is possible when we as the community are clear on our core values and principles.

My Values and Principles — Mind Map by Nancy Margulies

Values are qualities or standards that govern the behavior of a person and principles are rules or beliefs that govern our actions. The main difference between values and principles is that principles are based on a person’s values. Thus, it is values that act as the foundation for principles.

So let’s begin, to understand the values for the chapter,

Who are we and what do we stand for?

1. We believe that creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture is Key for Growth.

We believe that knowledge sharing enables a community to learn from mistakes and keep their members empowered and engaged. (Here growth means individual growth as well the chapter growth.)

Sharing is Caring

Open Door Policy

We believe in order to have an effective knowledge sharing culture, it is important to cultivate an environment of trust and mutual understanding in the community.

2. We believe that consistency, not magic formulas is the key to success in anything in life.

We understand that if we simply lay a small brick everyday eventually it will become the big castle we dream of.

We understand that if we deliberately practice and work on our craft consistently, we will eventually achieve mastery and create great work.

We believe that success is a simple and straightforward process. If you consistently put in the work day in and out over a length of time, you will achieve your goals.

We ignore any promises or temptations of getting extraordinary results very quickly with little effort or consistency.

We keep our head low and grind daily.

3. We believe in embracing failures and imperfections.

We understand that perfection is an unrealistic pressure to put on ourselves.

We embrace failure and imperfections because we know it is simply a part of the journey towards achieving our dreams.

Instead of searching for the perfect start, decision and solution, we simply take that brave imperfect step.

4. We believe in living for something bigger than ourselves.

We believe that purpose is that sense that we are part of something bigger than ourselves.

Pursue Purpose Over Success.

Purpose is what creates true happiness.

(While it would be nice to find your purpose with a quick search on Google, the reality is that our purpose tends to unfold and evolve as we do. Sometimes we have to sit in the ‘wondering,’ open to discovering what lies beyond the obvious or what has been staring us in the face the whole time.)

Anyone who believe with these values will be motivated to give their time for the community.

A community without core driving values is like a crew on a ship setting sail without a plan. The odds of success are extremely low.

— Pranjal Jain

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Pranjal Jain
Srishti SIGCHI Chapter

Design Researcher; Initiator of HCI4SouthAsia; Ex-chair of Srishti SIGCHI Chapter; Startup Community Enabler