Triumph Talks

The Angel


“In the start-up market, we are always discovering the value rather than estimating it.”

- Mr Chandran Krishnan

On the 11th of January 2020, SRM Innovation and Incubation Center (SIIC) hosted the fifth edition of one of its flagship events, the ‘Triumph Talks’. But, before we get into the specifics of the event, let me tell you a few things about SIIC.

It is a premier organization which caters to the needs of innovators, trailblazers, future leaders and people who fall into similar categories (names for which are yet to be agreed upon). We, at SIIC, provide them with any and all necessary assistance to help their ideas get from the stage of concept to that of being market-ready. I could go on but then we do plan to have another article about us altogether. Enough of this digression.

‘Triumph Talks’ is a friendly chat between eminent global personalities and our student representative followed by questions asked by the audience that forms our community. The event’s aim is to develop an insight into the thinking and mindset required to excel in the start-up communities across various fields.

For this edition, we had amidst us the celebrated Angel Investor and CEO of The Chennai Angels, Mr Chandran Krishnan. He started off by talking about the various start-up hubs of India and with that the significant rise witnessed in their growth and development. Next, he went over the topic of the different stages of a product, right from identifying the problem to marketing the solution.

Having covered the basics, the man of the hour then proceeded to throw some light on the subject of the investment community wherein he talked about the role of backers and the types of angel investors. Later, he discussed the ten factors which he personally felt ultimately decides whether a start-up or a product would be successful or not.

While coming to the end of his talk, he dwelled into tales of his college life and shared his experiences while working on several international projects as well. Then the floor was opened for some questions.

While answering one of those questions, he was asked to choose between product timing and planning, Mr Krishnan was quoted saying, “It’s great to be the first in the market, but there’s always room for more people.” After answering many such interesting questions from a captivated audience, the former IITian then proceeded to carry out interactions with our in-house start-ups namely Rizel Automotive, Neur, McZone and Kreator.

With that, we came to the end of the event and thus, the end of this article. Watch this space for more.

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Happy problem solving to you.

Samarth Gandhi

