It’s time to talk about Time Series Forecasting — Code edition

We can forecast the future without time machines, but sorry, not without more math and some code :)

Pooja Ravi
9 min readJan 10, 2021


Photo by Moritz Kindler on Unsplash

In the last blog, we discussed three statistical algorithms that necessarily required a univariate stationary time series as input, namely; Autoregression (AR), Moving Average (MA) and Autoregressive Moving Average(ARMA). For more details regarding a time series and such statistical models, refer to my 1st blog here. Now let’s dive into the remaining 3 algorithms.

Note: Algorithms like ARIMA, SARIMA etc. actually make use of a stationary time series in their calculations. Wait, what? So how will components like trend or seasonality get included when forecasting a time series? This is why we generally pre-process the time series that is to be fed as an input to the algorithm. This preprocessing step ensures that the required component (increasing/decreasing trend, seasonality, etc.) is included as an influencing factor and that the time series is forecasted accordingly.


3 more algorithms for forecasting a time series

Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA):

ARIMA is a modified version of ARMA with a differencing parameter. This means that any time series with a trend component can be used as an input to make this algorithm work. This also means that algorithms don’t have to deal with stationary data anymore. We have already been acquainted with the variables shown below. So how does the trend component get included in this equation?

Mathematical representation

The trend component denotes the general tendency of the output variable to increase or decrease with time.

To ensure that this is included as a factor in the mathematical equation, we simply subtract the previous time step’s value of the output variable from the current value. This is referred to as differencing. It can also hold true for multiple subtractions from the current time step.

ARIMA is usually represented as ARIMA(p,d,q).

We are already familiar with the terms p and q which are the lag and moving average orders for AR and MA algorithms respectively. So the new variable ‘d’ is nothing but the differencing parameter. This variable is going to represent how many previous time steps need to be subtracted from the current time step.

Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA):

ARIMA is superseded by SARIMA in the fact that SARIMA can also accept a seasonal time series. So what other parameters can achieve such a feat?

SARIMA is represented as SARIMA(p,d,q)(P,D,Q,m)

These 4 new capital letters are used to represent an entirely new dimension exclusively for taking seasonality into consideration.

  1. P is the seasonal Autoregressive lag order
  2. D is the seasonal differencing parameter
  3. Q is the seasonal moving average order and
  4. m is the number of time steps for one single seasonal period.

So this can be a lot to take in but when stripped down, it is just another model that can accurately take into consideration, the fact that a time series has repeating patterns.

Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average with exogenous variables (SARIMAX):

SARIMAX. I know! It feels like all 26 alphabets are going to squeeze their way into the name of a mathematical model and make us feel like we’re staring down an abyss of parameters but, rest assured, this is the last one.

Python code

So what does exogenous mean? Exogenous means something that comes from outside or an external time series in our case. When we want to include a separate parallel time series, we use SARIMAX. It is also considered to be a slightly more efficient model for forecasting a time series with accuracy.

SARIMAX is represented as SARIMAX(p,d,q)(P,D,Q,m)

As a relief, this model is represented in a way similar to that of SARIMA and consists of the same 7 parameters. But with respect to python, a specific hyperparameter called exog can be set to point to the name of a new, parallel time series in case we need to include one or it can be set to ‘None’ to ignore the consideration of another time series.

Now let’s explore the beer production dataset from Kaggle and forecast the time series with some python code!


Time to get our hands dirty with some code

The python library called statsmodels contains all the necessary algorithms needed for performing time series forecasting. The image below shows what our dataset consists of; a month column which represents the time dimension and a column to depict the beer production value which will inevitably be our dynamic target variable.

Our dataset

Let’s begin by exploring and modifying our dataset. If we take a closer look at the dataset, we can clearly notice that the timeline, consisting of the year and the day for the specific month (YYYY-DD), isn’t in the format that is generally accepted by python’s models and so we convert it into an acceptable format before proceeding.

After executing the code above, we’ll be able to see the timeline in a form that is accepted by python i.e. YYYY-DD-MM.

Modified time data

Firstly, we check for null values in the dataset and upon finding none, we move on to find the maximum amount of beer produced and it turns out to be: 217.8 million litres. This was done using the max() functionality.

Further, we make a simple plot using matplotlib. The value of beer production on the Y-axis is plotted with respect to time on the X-axis using the block of code given below.

In the resulting plot, we can notice a clear pattern in the target variable. The beer production remains somewhat low during the first 10 years (till 1965) and then shows an increasing trend, hits peak by 1978–79 (which is 217.8 in value as per the max() function) only to decrease again. The values visibly keep increasing and decreasing with respect to time. Thus we can conclude that our dataset isn’t stationary.

We then make a few more plots to gain more insight into what our data represents and how it contains different components that come together to form a time series .

A correlation plot is used to represent how interconnected 2 variables are. If they rise/fall in the same direction, it means that they are positively correlated else if they rise/fall in opposite directions, they are negatively correlated. An auto-correlation plot, which is what we’ve used here, works in the same way except that it compares a given variable with itself (using values from previous time steps) to display repetitive patterns or randomness in a time series.

In its essence, an auto-correlation plot uses the target variable’s current value in comparison to its value from a previous time step. The number of time steps traversed is represented as ‘Lag’ in the X-axis.

The upcoming plot is significant since it represents the different components of a time series in our dataset namely; trend, seasonality, random errors (residue) and cyclic variations. This can be used to check the stationarity of a time series.

As can be seen, none of the plots seem to be a straight line. This indicates that the dataset possesses all the components and hence, is a non-stationary time series.

The augmented dickey fuller test, as explained in my previous blog, is another useful criterion that determines stationarity.

adfuller test

Since the output or the p-value is > 0.05, the dataset (time series) is non-stationary.

Now, let’s split our dataset into training and testing sets before fitting it to the SARIMAX statistical model from python’s statsmodels library. The exog parameter is set to ‘None’ so that the model won’t demand an extra time series. We use the SARIMAX model since our dataset contains both trend and seasonality.

The lag and moving average order values, seasonality, m, etc. can be set using either the grid search algorithm or the auto_arima function provided by the pmdarima library in python, to find the most optimal values of each parameter. Finding the optimal values of the different orders/parameters helps us achieve the best results.

The output obtained by running the code cell above, has been displayed for better understanding of what goes on behind the scenes while fitting a SARIMAX model to a time series.

Output for fitting the model

This image is a summary of the working of our algorithm with its optimal parameter values (chosen by auto_arima). The coef column is considered to be important as it denotes the weights of each term. The P>|z| or the p-value column also determines the significance of each weight term. A p-value < 0.05 is ideal (as it indicates a stationary time series) and since that is the case for almost all the terms, let’s move on with the assurance that the model has fit our dataset successfully.

The block of code given above is used to plot the results of our model fitting to the data.


The residual and density plots shown above, represent the residual errors and the density distribution of the results. Such plots must ideally contain uniform variance and zero mean.

Now it is time to explore the results and the performance of our model. To further explain the model and interpret its working, we can make use of the predict() function to forecast the time series for a given set of inputs obtained from testing data.

To make predictions, we start from the end of the training set (which is the beginning of the test set) and visit each value till we reach the end of the entire dataset. These predictions correspond to the test set’s output values. The results of the forecasting performed by the model on the test set is depicted below. The 2 columns represent the timeline and the amount of beer produced on that particular day.

The plot to compare the predictions with the actual values from testing data, can be visualized as seen below:

Comparison plot

The results of the prediction are very similar to the actual values of the target variable obtained from the test set and this wraps up the implementation of time series forecasting in python.


In this 2nd blog, we explored a new algorithm called ARIMA and 2 of its variants: SARIMA and SARIMAX. We successfully performed time series forecasting on a beer production dataset from Kaggle in python. We used various important plots to visualize what a time series is and how different components are embedded into it. We then fit the SARIMAX model to our dataset and also plotted the results of the model after fitting it. We made predictions on testing data and compared the predicted values to the actual values of the target variable by plotting each of the values with respect to time on the X-axis.



Pooja Ravi
Writer for

An aspiring researcher looking to address worldly concerns using Computer Vision and Generative AI.