
The next evolution in programming

Sahil K
3 min readMar 25, 2021


The web development boom

The increase in technology access and the rise in e-learning platforms has led to the emergence of many web development communities and accelerated this sector’s development. Whether you are a novice, an amateur, or a professional in web development, you would have heard of Java, Node JS, or JavaScript repeatedly either in tutorials of web and app development, coding forums, etc. So, what is Java? And why is it so popular?

What is Java?

Java is the brainchild of James Gosling of Sun Microsystems which was born in 1995. It has flourished into one of the popular programming languages in web development and application development circles.

When you look back at the origins of Java, few interesting facts come to light.

Java was initially devised for interactive digital television and was named “Oak” after an Oak tree outside Gosling’s office, after which its name became “Green” and finally “Java” after a cup of Javanese coffee.

The defining features of Java are:

  1. It is object-oriented: Java is an Object-Oriented-Programming (OOP) language, where all its components are called“objects.” These objects can be given attributes or created via code.

2. Platform independent: Java can run on all operating systems (OS).

3. Compatible architecture: The file format that Java generates is a neutral architecture format executable on many different processors.

4. Easy to learn: As mentioned before, Java is based on the OOP which is an easy-to-understand model. The simplicity in understanding offered by Java motivates developers to kick-start their development journey with this language. It is among those few programming languages that can be learned within a few days or even hours!

The need for evolution

Evolution is a sign of growth, and this growth is noticeable through the change or development and competition of various components and systems. Although Java is a fantastic programming language with constant updates and an amazing community, it has remained virtually unchallengeable for decades, almost stagnating the field’s growth. But, a programming language emerged worthy of competing with Java, named Kotlin.

So, what is Kotlin? And why is Kotlin leading the change?

Say hello to Kotlin

Kotlin is a multi-platform, statically-typed general-purpose programming language. It was developed by JetBrains and was made fully open-source in the year 2012. Kotlin helps developers build Android applications faster, increasing their productivity, and compares to the Swift programming language used in IOS app development.

Kotlin vs Java

Kotlin has many advantages over Java, to list a few:

  1. Shortened code for identical tasks: Kotlin is a statically typed programming language, which is easy to understand. It uses lesser code than the amount of code Java uses for the same problem.
  2. Simpler code: Kotlin uses a simpler code and doesn’t have the repetition of commands that one may face while coding in Java.
  3. Interoperability: Kotlin can easily exchange and use information from Java.
  4. Increased security: Kotlin has increased security due to its concise nature, which comes from the fact that it is easy to understand, leading to fewer bugs boosting its security.


Java is an excellent programming language that has changed the web and application development community. But it is time for new applications to arise and improve by competing with benchmarks such as Java promoting a healthy-competition and a continually evolving web, which Kotlin has achieved learning and improving from Java’s downfalls.

Let us keep learning, growing, and developing applications toward a brighter and cyber safe future.

To learn and start your Kotlin journey, refer to this link 👇https://kotlinlang.org/

