Getting into the technicalities of the Drone

Shivam Upadhyay
Published in
4 min readMay 25, 2020

So far we’ve discussed the basics of a drone and introduction to the motors. Now let’s get started with some technicalities, without which one cannot step outside in the competition. In this phase, we will have a smooth discussion on the flight controllers and the LIPO batteries.


Flight Controller (FC) is the brain of the drone. It does all the required control calculations

To keep the quadcopter stable. The receiver gets the signals from the joystick or the transmitter in the pilot’s hand. It is then sent to the flight controller. The FC then takes in all the parameters and change the rpm of each motor as per the requirement. Nowadays, there are sophisticated FC’s available in the market which can conduct autonomous missions (Autonomous: which means without any human intervention in the flight). To start the hobby it is recommended to use a KK or APM as FC. As they are cheap and have good features.


A GPS module is a combination of a GPS receiver and magnetometer to provide latitude, longitude, elevation.

  • IMU

An inertial measurement unit is used to get the orientation and acceleration of the drone. The IMU has a combination of gyro and accelerometer. Generally, a separate IMU is provided along with FC to achieve greater stability.


The receiver unit is connected to the FC on the drone. The transmitter is with the pilot. Generally, four channels are used for the control of drones. Each channel corresponds to the specific motion of the drone. 2.4Ghz transmitter is used to transmit the signals.

General configuration of the transmitter

1st channel: Pitch

2nd: Roll

3rd: Throttle

4th: Yaw

LIPO batteries in Drones:

Batteries are like fuel tanks for drones. Bldc motors require a lot of current to operate. The requirement of current varies as per the throttle percentage or how fast the pilot is operating.

This means the battery should be able to discharge a lot of current when required. Lipo is the best option for this requirement as they have a high discharge rate around 20–25c which means they are capable of discharging 20–25 times their capacity and they are not heavy.

For example:

A battery with a 20 C rating and 1500mAh has a discharge capacity of 20*1.5= 30 amps.


  • Cells & Voltage:

Lipo battery is a combination of cells each of 3.7 volts. Each cell has a maximum voltage of 4.2v. They are generally connected in series combination denoted by the character ‘s’.

For example:

A 3s battery implies 3 cells connected in series, Which has a maximum voltage of 12.6, it is recommended not to discharge below 11.1 volts.

  • Capacity

It is the amount of current that the battery can store. It is denoted by mAh which means milli-ampere-hour

For example

A 1500mAh battery can provide a continuous supply of 1.5 Amps for one hour.

  • Discharge Rate:

It is the rate at which it can discharge. The calculations are discussed above. The basic rule of thumb is to buy a battery with a discharge rate of 1.3–1.5 times the total current draw

  • Charge rate

It is the rate at which the batter can be charged or is allowed to charge. Generally, it is recommended to charge the battery at 1c.

For example, A 1500 mAh battery with a 1 C charge rating can be charged at 1.5 Amps. Higher current levels will damage the battery.

Well, we cannot stop over here. More technical knowledge is required to build a perfect one…. Though there is no rocket science behind this, one can easily make a drone.

Now you guys are in the middle of the process. For a detailed note on the materials used in a drone, stay tuned with us.

If you think you can…. No worries, you can.


