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SSD Secure Disclosure
Disclosing vulnerabilities responsibly since 2007
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Know your community — Ionut Popescu

Originally published on January 16, 2017

Ionut Popescu, a Senior Penetration Tester for SecureWorks Romania. Speaker at DefCon and DefCamp, writer of NetRipper and ShellcodeCompiler.

Know your community — Kana Shinoda

Originally published on February 1, 2017

Kana Shinoda is the organizer of Code Blue and APWG, a review board of HITB, coordinator of Black Hat Japan, Conference Coordinator and CTF Interpreter of AVTOKYO and the list can go on and on.

Know your community — Sergi Alvarez AKA Pancake

Originally published on January 4, 2018

Sergi Alvarez (also known as “Pancake”) is the author of the free toolchain Radare2 , the founder of the security conference R2con and a mobile security analyst at NowSecure.