When a Marketing Strategy can bring you to the top: Macron case study

Filippo Lauritano
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2019

Macron is an Italian sporting apparel company, based in Bologna, Italy. It’s considered a European leader in the production of active sportswear, and it has an unique and sustainable business model, characterized by Multi-sport offering, which core business is Teamwear, with the sale of apparel and accessories to semi-professional and amateur teams, football for most, but also basketball, rugby, volleyball and other sports, but it also products merchandising of sponsored club, technical running products and sportswear.

The design of the products is designed and produced internally, but the company doesn’t own any manufacturing plants, that’s why the production is outsourced by 44 factories all over the world, but for most in China and Italy. Everything is arranged by two warehouses, one in Monselice and the other one in Bologna.

Another important asset, where Macron works is the Partnership with professional Clubs, in fact, about sponsorship, Macron works with an important portfolio of professional clubs that increased in the last 15 years, from 8 to 73 clubs, showing an high marketing performance under Pavanello’s management and bringing the Brand just behind Adidas and Nike, at the top of Tech Brands on jersey coverage in relation to the 237 sponsored European Football Clubs.

The reason why Macron decided to sponsor professional clubs is inherent to Marketing tool and strategic asset, to Product development and to merchandising business.

Regarding the first one, Technical sponsorship of pro-clubs is an effective promotional tool to increase the awareness, credibility and appeal of the Macron Brand among semi-pro and amateur teams and drive teamwear sales. In fact, visibility increases the brand awareness, and reputation can increase the credibility, that’s why Sponsorships are strategic assets for the international expansion strategy of the brand. In fact, through Sponsorships, Macron enters the local market and starts developing its own mono-brand network through Macron Store openings.

Another important business is the Merchandising. Macron operates with official stores to sale not only the official kits of the sponsored teams and other textile merchandising articles, but also teamwear articles to local clubs affiliated to the sponsored pro clubs.

All these assets brought Macron to have important financial results. In fact, it had a really huge revenues increase which can be stated from 15 million euros to 112 million euros in about 13 years with an EBITDA constantly growing.

But Macron doesn’t want to stop its growth and it’s working on an important business plan for the next five years to increase further its revenues and the value of the brand.

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