Basics => Beast Mode

Warren Ashley
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2018

Last year, my friend Kate started a training program I designed for her. She had been eating pretty well and training sporadically for a while but had trouble parsing the vast amount of (often conflicting) fitness information on the interwebz.

There’s just so much conflicting information out there that was hard to comb through.

I get it. There’s a lot of misleading information out there, with a lot of flashy marketing and buzzwords orbiting it. The program I put together for her wasn’t flashy, and it didn’t have any buzzwords. Basic exercises, basic nutrition. Three training sessions a week.

Thing is — the basics work, especially when applied consistently. Three months later, Kate was stronger than she’d ever been and crushing new personal records nearly every workout.

I deadlifted more than my body weight today!!!!!! 130x8! Beast Mode!

Over the course of 6 months of training, Kate’s lifts increased dramatically:

  • Squat: 65 -> 115 (76%)
  • Trap Bar Deadlift: 95 -> 155 (63%)
  • Dumbbell Bench: 20 -> 35 (75%)
  • Pullup: -52lbs assistance -> first unassisted pullup!

At the same time, she lost three inches off her waist while maintaining body weight (fat loss + muscle gain for the win) and eating more (high quality) food than before she started training.

Before; 3 months; 6 months

Beast mode indeed.

Bonus: radical posture improvement.
Sun’s out, guns out.

I’m opening a few (three) online coaching slots starting in January for folks 25–45 looking to get stronger, healthier, leaner, and/or sexier in the New Year. Email warrenkashley[at]gmail[dot]com to get one while they’re hot.

