2017 Global Solutions Forum

Robert Bandoni
Students Shoulder-to-Shoulder
2 min readNov 10, 2017

Ethical leadership in the mountains of Colorado

The 5th annual SStS Global Solutions Forum, presented by the Borgen Family Foundation, was held in Vail, Colorado October 25–28 and featured international change agents, educators from North and South America and SStS Alumni in Action.

Comprised of three different but integrated components, the annual event seeks to advance the SStS mission of inspiring and supporting generations of ethical leaders.

For students, international SStS non-profit leaders from Bolivia, Kenya, Nepal and Peru visited classrooms at the Vail Mountain School to discuss the work they do in the context of the current school curriculum. Following the Forum in Colorado, these inspirational change agents visited partner schools across the US sharing their work and empowering students.

For educators, a professional development conference was held at the Antlers at Vail. The theme of the conference was Global Citizenship Education: Transforming Vision into Daily Practice. There were 40 educators at the conference, including teachers from the Global Schools Coalition as well as educators from outside the coalition who came from across the US as well as Mexico and Argentina. In addition to teacher led workshops, Dr. Rebecca Stilwell, from the Klingenstein Center at Columbia University, guided teachers in creating a vision plan for their schools.

For alumni, this year marked the addition of an online social media driven engagement event, Ethics-n-Action. SStS alumni continue to demonstrate their ethical leadership skills in the real world; this event showcased them supporting causes near and dear to their hearts.

Featured Ethics n’Action Alumni

Who: Ryan Blakenburg

What: Ryan inspired a group of friends to work at Earthworks Urban Farm in Detroit

Ryan says: “I would love to use this experience to spark a discussion on food justice at my school.”

The Ethics n’Action events is a first step at answering the most common post-course question “What’s next?” Now more than ever, the world needs ethical leaders — leaders who embrace the virtue of social responsibility. Our students need examples to follow and a path to get them there.

Student Shoulder-to-Shoulder is much more than a one or two week course; it is a journey, one that begins with a course and continues on throughout each student’s life to encourage growth and success, and the promotion of the ethical leadership values and skills instilled in each and every one of our students. Just one leader can inspire a powerful ripple effect on the world.

To keep SStS students moving forward on their journeys, shaping and creating a better world as they go, please consider a donation to support this next generation of ethical leaders. Be a critical part of a better future with a gift today. Click here to make a tax deductible donation.

