Published in
1 min readJul 19, 2016


2016 Global Business Travellers Association Convention

Presentation: Lessons Learned from Paris to Brussels: New Possibilities for Situational Awareness and Implications for the Rio Olympics

11am MST — Denver, Colorado

The session will begin by looking at recent security incidents, drawing out lessons learned, and then apply those lessons to upcoming major events. We will address: What have the security incidents of the last 18 months taught us? What can we learn as we look forward to major events, like the Rio Olympics? How best can companies fulfill their duty of care roles at major events in historically risky environments? Multiple industries have seen the rise of data democratization, whereby valuable information is aggregated and delivered horizontally — across networks — rather than top-down. (Yelp, Waze, and Wikipedia are examples).

This presentation covers the specific application of data democratization to security. The presentation will cover various technologies, frameworks and considerations for this new wave of data sharing — including data innovations with data visualization, validation, information flows, and privacy.

Our presenters will include a brief experiential learning exercise to demonstrate information flows and validation, within and across organizations.

Attend this session if you are a Fortune 2000 company looking to attend major events. Attend this session if you are a small to medium business interested in innovations at the intersection of Duty of Care and technology. Attend this session if you’re looking for a balanced perspective on privacy, physical security intelligence, employee tracking, and mobile applications.




Stabilitas keeps people safe and organizations productive by creating technology to solve challenging security problems.