Meet the security leader who reads 36,000 alerts a day without going crazy.

It’s you.

Brendan Dorsey
2 min readJan 26, 2017


How many reports can a great analyst read in a day? What if they miss something? Security professionals demand up to date, relevant information, but you have to read a report to determine if it’s important and there are thousands to read. It’s a classic catch-22.

Our Data Team, led by Sean Maday, has built neural networks that analyze more than 36,000 reports from 18,000 unique sources, every day. The machines scan for usefulness, severity, and location, and “cluster” duplicate reports to accelerate verification and reduce noise. Then, the machines automatically summarize each incident and plot them in a simple interface.

The result? Both the big picture and the most relevant details, at your fingertips:

That’s a lot of risk events. Don’t worry, though, we’ve made it easy to filter them!

With one click, you can drill directly into a single report from a macro view, create filtered views for more focused analysis, and easily access features ranging from alerts to mass communication to travel itineraries.

If this were real, you’d want to know and be able to act on it. We make that easy.

We’ve got more updates on the way. Follow us or sign up for our newsletter to stay tuned, or email us for a demo.



Brendan Dorsey

Data scientist. Army veteran. Ardent believer in the human race. Views are my own.