Introducing: Stability. The World’s First Tokenless, Public Blockchain

The functionality of a public blockchain — without the cryptocurrency.

5 min readSep 20, 2023


Blockchain technology will change the world forever. Yet, there is a fundamental problem with the way they currently operate. We think we have the solution.

The utility of blockchain is clear: modern society depends on digital networks and public blockchains enable tamper-proof record keeping, secure transactions, and data privacy. These are core tenets of a productive, prosperous Internet.

Blockchains can usher in a new era of digital trust — creating a path toward clear and immutable accounting of the world’s online interactions. They protect humans from discrimination, unethical treatment, and unfair access across the digital realm.

So what’s the problem? Blockchains require a cryptocurrency to operate.

How can you fully realize the potential of blockchain technology with financial barriers and transaction fees as a requirement?

Meet Stability: The World’s First Public, Tokenless Blockchain

Meet Stability — the world’s first public, distributed network — independent of a native cryptocurrency. We strive to make public blockchain technology globally available, boldly reinventing a way forward for a better Internet.

Backed by an unwavering commitment to efficiency, security, and limitless utility, Stability is proudly blazing the trail for a new era in blockchain innovation.

Unlocking Access to Blockchain Technology

Blockchain holds immense promise for our digital future, yet key barriers continue to stand in the way of mainstream adoption. Cryptocurrencies possess a myriad of benefits as digital currency, including powerful network effects and value transfer.

However, these cryptocurrencies also introduce misaligned incentives between 1) utility for network participants and 2) speculating on token value for profit.

Today, public blockchain access is permissioned through native cryptocurrencies. Under this consensus mechanism every transaction is financial in nature; every snippet of uploaded data requires payment to the network.

In contrast, Stability users can access our public network for free. In our view, depending on tokens to execute onchain transactions significantly limits the potential of the technology, and ultimately stifles innovation and accessibility.

The result? An industry characterized by volatility, regulatory uncertainty, and limitations of scale. That negatively impacts blockchain utility and global adoption. Let’s change that.

Solving the Blockchain Adoption Problem

Today, there are a mere 15 million monthly active addresses across all relevant public blockchains.¹ This is a shockingly low number. There are likely far fewer unique users than active wallets.

Now let’s compare that metric to the adoption curve of another revolutionary technology: the internet. Within the same timeframe, the number of users on the internet exploded to 28% of the world’s population.²

For further context, on a daily basis, Ethereum has ~400,000 daily active addresses,³ a number which belies any claim of significant adoption. Let’s be clear: we do not share these figures to put down our industry, but rather point out how we can collectively do better.

Onboarding to Stability is Simple

Stability removes the inherent barriers that prevent the global adoption of blockchain, while simultaneously unlocking an unparalleled user experience that is simple and accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

At its core, Stability enables any user to login to any application on the Stability network through Single Sign-On (SSO) — via mainstream social or email accounts and execute onchain transactions with one-click. No cryptocurrency, no wallet management, no gas fees required.

(The first feeless blockchain app is now live on Stability AlphaNet.)

Notably, the absence of a cryptocurrency is not abstracted away through highly complex, unsustainable workarounds. Rather, it is hardcoded into the base layer code of the Stability network.

With an accessible, seamless user experience, Stability is uniquely positioned to onboard mainstream adoption of both users and enterprise customers.

New Enterprise Blockchain Solutions

Globalization allows businesses of exceptional scale and capabilities to collaborate like never before. Technological progress has propelled us even further, enabling the creation of systems to manage resource allocation, accounting, and customer data.

The challenge? Companies were made to work together, while their systems remain utterly incompatible. No public network exists that can connect these disparate enterprise systems through one composable, secure, and immutable platform — until now.

The Stability Platform — the world’s first tokenless, permissionless, public blockchain network — ushers in a new era of unlimited composability, regulatory clarity and efficiency gains.

Through our innovative consensus mechanism, Stability is leading the paradigm shift — from permissioned public networks driven by speculation to permissionless public networks driven by utility.

Stability’s customizable integrations are flexible. Our blockchain allows enterprises to preserve data privacy while seamlessly interacting and collaborating with other enterprise partners like never before.

Our Vision: An Era of Digital Privacy

As we dismantle barriers and unveil new possibilities of blockchain, the Stability network serves as the foundation for the future we envision — a future where digital privacy empowers society to innovate and prosper freely.

Imagine seamless digital interactions and transactions transcending currency and geographic boundaries, running on a network designed for boundless utility and unlimited scale.

This is the digital future we are building — one that is accessible, secure, and open to anyone who wishes to participate.

A Glimpse Ahead

Stability is more than a company; we are a movement, a force of change that’s democratizing access to blockchain technology.

As we take each step forward, we invite you to embark on this extraordinary expedition with us. We’ll explore uncharted territories of innovation, redefine privacy and security in the digital age, and forge new paths of collaboration.

The future is an open canvas; as we embark on this ambitious path forward, we will shape our limitless digital future, together.

For more information on our business solutions and custom integrations, contact us. You can also follow us on X (Formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn.

Disclaimer: No warranties or guarantees are made or implied by any Stability communication.








The first feeless public blockchain with zero gas fees and no crypto token. Free transactions, scalable, simple UX.