100+ Negative Prompts everyone are using

A negative prompt is a way to use Stable Diffusion in a way that allows the user to specify what he doesn’t want to see, without any extra input.

Edmond Yip
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2023


In Stable Diffusion, although negative prompts may not be as crucial as prompts, they can help prevent the generation of strange images. Below are some commonly used negative prompts for different scenarios, making them readily available for everyone’s use.

Commonly used basic negative prompts

worst quality, normal quality, low quality, low res, blurry, text, watermark, logo, banner, extra digits, cropped, jpeg artifacts, signature, username, error, sketch ,duplicate, ugly, monochrome, horror, geometry, mutation, disgusting

Negative prompts for an animated character

bad anatomy, bad hands, three hands, three legs, bad arms, missing legs, missing arms, poorly drawn face, bad face, fused face, cloned face, worst face, three crus, extra crus, fused crus, worst feet, three feet, fused feet, fused thigh, three thigh, fused thigh, extra thigh, worst thigh, missing fingers, extra fingers, ugly fingers, long fingers, horn, realistic photo



Edmond Yip

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