Boost Your Points: Interact and Earn on StableHodl Discord🎉

Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2024

Welcome to the exciting world of StableHodl, where your engagement is rewarded with points! Get acquainted with our “Engage Bot” and join us on a journey to boost your score by interacting with our content. Super simple to use and super fun to earn. Here’s everything you need to know to start earning points and climbing the leaderboard.

Points System:

Engaging with our content earns you points as follows:

  • 🍀 Daily Claim: 1 point
  • đź‘Ť Like: 1 point
  • đź’¬ Comment: 2 points
  • 🔄 Retweet: 3 points

The more you participate, the higher your score will be. Consistent engagement will help you accumulate points and climb the leaderboard.

Why Participate?

When your name shows up on the leaderboard, we will host events or raffle to pick winners. Users will earn crypto rewards or special tickets which is gatebenefits from StableHodl and our partners up for grabs! Here’s why you should get involved:

  1. Exclusive Rewards: Win special perks and benefits from StableHodl and our partners by participating in the raffle.
  2. Community Engagement: Be a part of the vibrant StableHodl community, interact with other members, and stay updated with the latest news and events.

How to Join

Step 1: Join Our Discord Server

Start by joining the StableHodl Discord server using this link: StableHodl Discord.

Step 2: Set Up Your X (Twitter) Account

To start earning points, you need to link your X (Twitter) account. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the #command channel in the Discord server.
  2. Use the command /set twitter followed by your Twitter username. For examples: /set twitter StableHodl

3. You will receive a confirmation message indicating that your Twitter account has been successfully linked. The confirmation will look like this:

Step 3: Engage and Earn

With your Twitter account linked, you can now start earning points by engaging with our Tweets. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Visit the #engage-and-earn channel in the Discord server.

2. Look for tasks posted in the channel. These tasks will guide you on what actions to take on Twitter (like, comment, retweet).

Like a Tweet as below

Leave your comments

Retweet to complete

3. After completing a task, return to Discord and click the designated icon in the #engage-and-earn channel. This action notifies the Engage Bot to record your completed tasks and update your points.

Once the Engage Bot records your activity, your updated score will be displayed:

Checking Your Points and the Leaderboard

Staying updated with your points and checking the leaderboard is simple. Here’s how you can do it:

Checking Your Points

To check your current points total:

  1. Go to the #use-command channel:

2. Use the command /rank. This will display your current point total and rank, similar to this:

Checking the Leaderboard

To see where you stand on the leaderboard:

  1. Use the command /leaderboard or /points in the #use-channel.
  2. This will show you the leaderboard, where you can see your ranking and score compared to other participants. Here’s an example of what it looks like:

Daily Attendance

In addition to engaging with Tweets, you can earn points every day by taking attendance. Use the command /daily to claim 1 point each day:

Use once a day


Joining the “Boost Your Score: Engage and Earn” event on the StableHodl Discord server is a fantastic way to enhance your engagement with our community while earning exciting rewards. By following the steps outlined above, you can start accumulating points today. Don’t miss out on the chance to win special perks and benefits from StableHodl and our partners.

Visit our Discord server now and start your journey towards becoming a top participant. Happy engaging!

Embark on this exciting journey with StableHodl and become a part of our community here:

Website | X | Telegram | Discord

