StableNode raises $3M USD to facilitate Growth in Blockchain based Ecosystems.

StableNode Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2021

StableNode was founded in early 2021 by us: Doo Wan Nam and Gustav Arentoft. We were previously working together at MakerDAO, managing Growth and BD in the European, Asian and African markets since 2018, where we facilitated more than 700 integrations of the protocol into every corner of the crypto industry. We are incredibly grateful about this exciting, turbulent and crazy time, where we could drive the development of DeFi, financial inclusion and the growth of this industry while holding >200 presentations in >30 countries.

Now, with the dissolution of the foundation (read about that here), we are marking a new milestone in our own journeys too, in which we pursue a clear vision: we want to continue to grow, foster and support this industry with everything we can contribute through our experiences and network — together. In this article, we will share with you more about our approach in doing so and what we’ve accomplished with StableNode since the beginning of this year.

Looking at the overall DeFi and crypto landscape, it is important to consider the challenges we faced on the rocky road to today’s achievements and the means by which we overcame them over the last few years. While the majority of crypto projects to date have been developed and built on Ethereum, with 2021 we are seeing a steady increase in growth on and rise of other networks, such as Polygon, Solana and Klaytn. Now younger emerging blockchains are naturally facing the same challenges that the community has worked hard on for years on Ethereum, which is exactly where we want StableNode to step in, help out, and ensure that the crypto industry advances and moves forward as smoothly, efficiently, and sustainably as possible.

StableNode scales blockchain ecosystems as node validators for our Partner blockchain networks while supporting their expansion. Therefore, we are using the accruing rewards for venture capital investments in early-stage blockchain projects built on these networks, as well as for liquidity provision in DeFi applications. We invest in innovative early-stage projects backed by passionate teams with long-term visions that share our core values. Behind the scenes, we have been working hard on our growing portfolio, which now includes more than 25 companies while we are active advisors for eight of them (see our portfolio). We are currently running PoS nodes for four decentralized networks with active delegations on top.

Our strength and shared passion essentially lies in growth — That’s why we help scaling not only the blockchains we operate on, but also the projects and applications that build on them. For this reason, we are providing a broad range of hands-on advisory, such as Business Development, Strategy, Fundraising, Token-Design, Liquidity, Marketing and Governance. Our expertise lies within DeFi and NFT based projects, such as trading platforms, DEX’s, gaming, art platforms, lending protocols, and more.

StableNode’s goal is to continuously add value and to ensure that growth is sustainable in the long-term. There is nothing of greater value to us than to be the trusted strong companion for our partners and our investment portfolio, delivering comprehensive support in all regards.

Moreover, we are excited to be a strong ecosystem participant by enabling and maintaining decentralization where needed. Because decentralization, being the fundamental backbone of the crypto industry, has introduced the need for a strong and cohesive community and active governance participation. The latter is determined by structured and formalized frameworks that must be predefined by the community participants themselves. We experienced these challenges first hand while working for MakerDAO, one of the pioneers of decentralization, entirely built around and dependent on community contributors.

Today, we are thrilled to announce that we have closed our oversubscribed seed round by raising $3M from an incredible group of investors and partners whom we have worked with closely for years, including:

We want to thank all the incredible teams that we already started working with and we’re excited to see where the future will take us.

Follow us on Twitter for updates and learn more about us on our webpage.



StableNode Blog

StableNode is a Research and Investment firm dedicated to growth and governance advisory.