Community update: Long term vision and Roadmap

Published in
3 min readNov 11, 2020


StableXswap is the first stablecoin-focused AMM decentralized exchange on Binance Smart Chain. Featuring lower fees, trading fee discounts, and staking rewards to STAX holders, the project incentivizes liquidity providers and traders alike to participate within the stableXswap ecosystem and hold STAX.

Long term vision:

Establish stableXswap as the primary, decentralized liquidity provider for all stablecoins on Binance Smart Chain, satisfying the demands of both institutional and retail traders whilst implementing X-chain technology that allows stableXSwap to easily provide liquidity to any chain.

Priority task:

We are currently in the process of optimising and then auditing all stableXswap contracts. This is an ongoing process and we will update the community each time a contract has been successfully audited.


To-do’s for next one month:

1. Improve and optimize our stablecoin AMM contract and complete the audit of contracts. Once we are audited and certified, we can start to offer StableXSwap to institutional and other volume based contacts.

2. Analytics page using the Graph as backend (similar to

3. governance portal with weighted voting to reward long-term stakers

4. Create our own STAX Developers Bounty program to incentivize users to build out features such as automated trading strategies, yield optimisers, etc.

5. Recruit community members to help research and implement the stableXswap marketing strategy.

6. Support upcoming stablecoins on BSC such as Qian protocol’s QUSD, Kava’s USDX, Linear Finance’s LUSD, Venus’ VAI, and work with them to launch incentivized campaigns.

To-do’s for next two months

7. Build our own insurance fund contract for users to stake STAX into, like Nexus Mutual.

8. Build out yield products using the stablecoin swap functionality.

9. Add one-sided coin adding to LPs and other low-slippage features.

10. Incentivize more BTCB versus other wrapped BTC’s like renBTC.

11. Work with more lending protocols like Cream, ForTube, dForce, etc. on BSC to be the best liquidation venue for stablecoins, helping protect their users from loss through heavy slippage.

12. Expand our global user base through the establishment of a strong marketing campaign


  • Our Farming contract was a top 10 gas-consuming contract in the BSC BUIDL program
  • Reached a peak of $14M TVL in stablecoins, and currently holding steady between the $6–8M TVL mark, even with APYs in the ~10% range- very sustainable
  • Successfully conducted 1000 txns on beta platform with 0 marketing spend
  • Increased 3–5x total issuance of USDC and DAI on BEP20 with users coming to deposit on BSC’s first farms for USDC and DAI, driving real usage and adoption
  • Created the best pricing venue for BUSD, USDC, USDT, and DAI on BSC

Repurchasing Plan and Token Burn:

  • 5% of trading fee rewards will be burned periodically to reduce circulating supply of the token.
  • 20% of fees is used to pay LPs rewards
  • 25% of fees are used to buy back STAX & provide trading incentives and fee bonuses
  • 50% of fees are used to buy back STAX and pay out STAX staking rewards

Please refer to the BLISS reward program for full detail.

Let’s StableX together!

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