LINEAR AMA October 27 Transcript

Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2020

Huge shoutout to the Linear Finance Team for having us in their Telegram Channel for a very active AMA with great questions from a great community. Thanks for hosting this event! Happy to collaborate and share more in the future. For those of you who missed it, here’s a recap :)

Dany: How is @stablexswap fundamentally different from Linear?StableXSwap: this is a great question as well, and I’d like the Linear team to chime in as well, but from my understanding, Linear will have the LINA token be the backbone of a synthetic asset platform that uses LUSD to price various synth assets, which is super cool! StableXSwap is focused on just the stablecoin part, as we want to improve liquidity for stablecoins on BSC, so LUSD would be a great project to work with

A E S T H E T I C | V A P O R W A V E: What does the 5X, 3X mean and why do some have more than others?
StableXSwap: Different pools have different weights according to the demand of the community! These weights were designed based on our communities’ voices.

Johnny Depp: Many cryptocurrency holders are unable to participate in DeFi due to high gas fees, slow speeds, and poor user experience. How does #Stablexswap plan to change the current state of affairs?
StableXSwap: #BSC is super great for this usecase: low fees, 3 second block times, and our team is going to build the cheapest dex on Binance Smart Chain.

Kim Xuan: Staking seem to be popular right now on many blockchain project to encourage investors to hold tokens and make it healthful for project ecosystem. Does StableXSwap support this as well? If yes, what will requirement of a Node and a Validator node be? And how does reward base on?
StableXSwap: We have fixed term staking, so users can rest assured that the large majority of our total supply is all locked up. I believe we actually have the highest staked % of all assets on BSC at the moment!

Md Tanbir
1-Increasing Token price
2- make Token Valuable
3-Building Community Trust

From 3 aspects above,. I want to ask,. Which one the most important for you??
If all above are important for you,. Which one that Will you do first??

StableXSwap: I’m going to say 2 and 3 — By designing a smart token economic system (please please check out the medium posts! we spent a long time working with our community to design these), and then also making sure that community voices are heard, 1 will never be an issue.

Sumai: Marketing strategy is very important. A product can be established on the market without marketing and promotion, whatever it is good. So what are your plans for this? How will you build strong relationships with communities?
StableXSwap: Well, we are excited to see many of these stablecoin projects to come to Binance Smart Chain, like Linear, and look forward to more opportunities to work with other dapps and stable assets in a efficient manner.

Lynk Lee: The main curiosity of the Stablexswap tokens is the no dependency of any exchange, but how you guarantee the Liquidity of this token? Also How you create demand without that environment?
StableXSwap: we will not have our own stablecoin, we instead want to focus on helping other projects with the liquidity of theirs

Nakayama: Now, some project have policies for their ambassadors to create a contribution and attract recognition for the project! So the #Stablexswap team plans to implement policies and incentives for your ambassadors?StableXSwap: Yes! we have ~11% of our total supply held in a community treasury which will be governed by STAX token holders, so early contributors and community members will be heavily involved and happily rewarded for the efforts they make in growing our community.

Wannabe: On moving forward through your roadmap, what are your most important next priorities? Does your team have enough fundamental (Funds, Community, ect) to achieve those milestones?
StableXSwap: What we need most is community support 🙂 We’re developing as fast as we can to deliver the safest, first stablecoin swap on BSC, so that will be our #1 focus, nothing else.

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