Anne Line is the new CEO at Stacc Flow — Exciting times ahead

Marie Husøy


Anne Line Grepne (39) stepped in as the new CEO at Stacc Flow from 1st of April. Stacc Flow is a real time process engine that enables orchestration of micro services transforming legacy systems into a fully transparent process. Grepne is ready to bring Flow to new heights and has a clear advice to young dreamers aiming for success.

The new CEO from Bergen agrees that “time truly has fled”. She is referring to her graduation 16 years ago when she took a Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration. Since then, she worked 12 years at PwC Consulting and Metier OEC and four years as project director at NHH.

— The eager to learn more, solve challenges and meet new people has always driven me forward. I have experienced and learned a lot a long the way, as well as developed myself as a leader and employee, Grepne says. — My strengths are seeing the big picture of strategic lines combined with achieving results in both the short and long term.

“I may be a risky choice — but I’m fearless, curious and efficient.”

Her dedication to Stacc Flow shines through as she talk about her motivation and enthusiasm for the future. She explains how the combination of great people, an exciting product, charismatic leaders and a rapidly evolving industry were the reasons behind her career shift. — When the opportunity in Stacc Flow came by, I had to seize it!

FinTech initiatives driving growth

In addition to her master degree in economy from NHH, she has an MBA in project and portfolio management. She explains how her competence is also related to strategy and organizational development, process improvement and change management. Her previous jobs have given her experience from a broad aspect of industries and now she is ready to explore fintech and the IT sector further.

Anne Line Grepne, who is married with two kids, never had a crystal clear plan for where she wanted to end up. She has taken chances along the way which has resulted in great positions across industries.

Although she finds fintech extremely exciting, her interests are not mainly industry-specific. She gets inspired by innovation, cooperation and development as processes for driving business.

— In recent years, I’ve grown interest for the opportunities arising at the cross-point between business and technology, and the importance of sharing expertise and working together across these divisions, she says.

— I was involved in NHH’s early commitment to the cluster network Finance Innovation and was fascinated by the pace, involvement and outcomes of various fintech initiatives in Bergen. Leading Stacc Flow further in this growing sector seemed like an amazing opportunity.

New partnerships and enhanced collaboration

I am starting as CEO at a very exciting time for Stacc Flow, Grepne explains.
— The Flow platform is already a solid and scalable product, and keeps evolving continuously. Flow has undoubtedly a huge potential, she emphasizes. She confirms that Stacc Flow is about to succeed in landing major partnership deals and is at the edge of breaking commercially.

But even with eyes on the prize, Grepne is determined to not loose sight of what they already have. It will be important, she says, to keep the existing work force and their brilliant expertise, even when we are attracting new capabilities and growing as a company.

— There is also huge potentials in utilizing the available competence across Stacc companies and strengthening the collaboration with other companies outside Stacc’s “sphere”, she believes. She is eager to recruit more women to the industry, and increase diversity in general. — It positively affects both innovation ability, quality and company culture, to mention something, she says.

Her best advice to young achievers

We know many dream of CEO positions; What is her very best advice?
She laughs as she explains how everyone could benefit from trying and failing on their own, without having to listen to dull advice from older and “wiser” people. But even if her motto is try and fail, she has a clear voice to all young dreamers out there aiming to reach the top.

“Just go all in”

And by this she doesn’t mean working till you pass out — but dare to say yes even tho you don’t feel confident, share your knowledge and experiences, be curios in other people and dare to have an opinion, she explains. Set high standards for yourself, but also rely on others, she continues.

— I’ve had an incredible benefit of getting to know skilled people, seeking advice and just ask lots of questions! And remember — no matter if you want to be the best leader in the world, the best developer or something else; you get better by allowing yourself to read a good book that is not about subjects, listening to good music, running outside, watch a movie or simply lie on the couch and do nothing — sometimes. And it makes life a little more fun.

We wish her good luck in her new job, and look forward to follow the journey.



Marie Husøy
Writer for

Young marketer with a curious mind. Hired at Microsky — writing for Stacc. Stay tuned.