How to supercharge your marketing with a viral Facebook Messenger contest.

We have been running viral contest campaigns for over 5 years.

Some of the largest tech startups and companies also run the same contests every single month.

MailChimp, Shopify, Expedia, and WeWork just to name a few.

When positioned correctly, a viral contest can make you become a local, national or even global star overnight.

It is one of the fastest and most inexpensive ways to grow your following and list.

This is how it works.

  1. Create a contest that gives away something of value, whether a free service, vacation, swag or products.
  2. Post this contest everywhere. Send it to your list and run ads to get quick traction.
  3. Every time someone signs up for your contest they will receive a unique link to share the contest with friends.
  4. Anytime someone signs up using that link they will be rewarded with more entries to win the prize.
  5. If done correctly this can create what is called a viral loop.

Say What!?!?!? A viral loop?

A viral loop is when you reward each signup an incentive to share your contest. In turn by sharing they are helping you distribute this contest to all of their colleagues, friends, and that weird uncle name Tommy. Then when Tommy signs up he will have the same chance to share the contest with all of his compadres.

If done correctly this sharing can go viral creating a snowball effect that costs you little to nothing is marketing spend.

This will help you to:

1. Generate leads.

A giveaway is great for getting leads or increasing your number of email list subscribers. It’s a lead generation secret weapon.

2. Save money

Lower your Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) by running a giveaway. The cost is very low compared to other marketing channels and you don’t have to spend that much time managing the process.

3. Product exposure

To launch a giveaway with something related to your product is an amazing way to generate excitement, more usage, and long term retention.

4. Engage with your community

Are you looking for a way to get your community excited? Running a giveaway will get them hooked.

Why Facebook Messenger?

We used to run these campaigns through email. Then a very smart growth hacker named Jared Codling showed me how to run these campaigns using a Facebook Messenger bot and the results crushed email.

So now we solely run them through Messenger (And so can you using RevStack**video below)…

Plus it makes it a lot easier to set up. (No need for a landing page or complicated tracking software).

Before you start setting up your contest you will need to stick to these rules:

  1. Make the contest prized extra juicy! Nobody is going to sign up or much less share something of low value. The more you give away the more entries you will receive. Shopify gave away over $50,000 in prizes and mentorship from a huge all-star entrepreneur panel.
  2. Make it a contextual prize: The goal of this contest is to pivot at the end and offer them a discount on the prizes you are offering. So make sure the prizes are part of the package you plan to sell them on afterward.
  3. Create multiple prize tiers: Offer a number of different prizes and levels so you can giveaway lower ticket items. The more people win something the more likely they are to re-engage.
  4. Offer Everyone a Discount or Free Item: The point of this is to make sales throughout the entire contest. Plan out a number of giveaways or enticing giveaways that people receive just for signing up. At the end of the contest offer everyone a discount on the services/products.
  5. Create multiple prize tiers: Offer a number of different prizes and levels so you can giveaway lower ticket items. The more people win something the more likely they are to re-engage.
  6. Have Fun & Let Loose: A lot of past customers we helped do this made the contests to corporate. Try to think outside of the box when creating your prizes. Make it funny and unique. This will help to generate free PR if done correctly.

So how do I set this up?

We made it extremely simple for you to set up these contests inside of RevStack. It provides you with unlimited customizability.

Watch this short video below to learn more:

To sign up for a free trial of RevStack please visit: to set up your very own viral contest today.



Ray The Third
Stack&Hack: Official Playbook of

Destroyer of Cubicles, Booster of Revenue & Slayer of Competition. We use artificial intelligence and big data to help businesses scale to the moon.