React Form Validation with the useForm Hook

Detailed tutorial on how to add validation to a React form using this library

Fernando Doglio


In general JavaScript form validation has never been a trivial task. From the days of VanillaJS you’d always have a million different options but none was the “standard” way of doing it, and so you as the developer were left to decide what worked best for you.

Lo and behold, almost a decade later, the situation hasn’t improved that much. Forms however, still need validation and frameworks are leaving the validation task to the user.

Form validation in React is no exception, if we do a quick search we can easily find over 10 different alternatives. This is of course, part of the experience pack you buy when you decide to work with any JS framework after all, the community will always give you options (whether that’s a good thing or not is, the jury is still out).

In this article though, I want to cover one of those particular options. I want to show you how to perform form validation in React using the useForm hook.

So let’s get down to it!

The React Hook Form library

The library we’re going to be using for this task is the React Hook Form library which provides a very…



Fernando Doglio

I write about technology, freelancing and more. Check out my FREE newsletter if you’re into Software Development: