Write for Us

Become a writer for StackAcademy

Fernando Doglio
2 min readApr 8, 2021


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

We’re always looking for talented authors that are willing to cover any and all topics that are of interest to front-end developers. So please, feel free to pitch your ideas at federico@openreplay.com.

What we’re looking for

We’re looking for all types of stories about front-end development and Open Source, but with a focus on one of the following:

  • How-tos. We love how-to’s, just make sure they’re not the ever-present “how to make a to-do app with X”, those have been covered to death. Send us something interesting and we’ll publish it.
  • Opinion pieces. We have a place for them, if you have a strong opinion about the current front-end ecosystem, a particular framework, or something similar, send them over. Just make sure they provide value to the reader, we’re not looking for rants.
  • Talk about something new and innovative. We’re also definitely interested in pieces that would attract tech leads, CTO’s and other decision-makers. So if you know of a cool new framework, a brand new programming language, or how if you know how to use framework X to improve the performance of your team, then send them over!
  • Open Source. We love open-source, we think it’s one of the greatest things to ever happen to our industry and because of that, we like to talk about it. Send your open-source-related pitches to us, we’ll definitely take a look!

Styling guidelines

We’re OK with your styles as long as you follow Medium’s best practices, especially:

  • Make sure you use proper headings for all sections.
  • Add a title properly formatted.
  • Add a subtitle.
  • Different sections are separated by Medium’s separation lines.
  • Your article is original. We do not accept already published work.
  • Make sure you’ve checked for grammar errors. Pieces with grammatical errors will be rejected.
  • We do not accept metered pieces. All content we publish is free for everyone.
  • If you have code snippets, please embed Gists and avoid multi-line Medium code blocks without syntax highlighting.

Publication process

The typical publication process will go like this:

  1. You’ll send me a draft link or an article idea.
  2. I’ll review it and leave / provide feedback.
  3. Once we’ve achieved consensus, we’ll create a header image for it and we’ll publish it.

Do we pay for articles?

Yes, we do, we pay a fixed amount for every published piece. This is why content needs to provide actual value to readers and have the required quality.

We normally expect pieces to be around 5- 8 minutes reading time. Shorter articles won’t be automatically rejected but we consider it harder to provide value in shorter pieces.

Do you have any more questions? Feel free to drop a comment here or send me an email and I’ll get back to you soon.



Fernando Doglio

I write about technology, freelancing and more. Check out my FREE newsletter if you’re into Software Development: https://fernandodoglio.substack.com/