Regression Testing in Software Testing

Regression testing involves testing the unaffected features of a software application. Whether adding, deleting, modifying a feature, or fixing defects, it ensures that the unchanged features of the application remain unaffected.

Regression Testing in Agile Methodology

In Agile methodology, regression testing is typically performed within the sprint cycle

Where 1 sprint = 2 weeks (14 days)

During the first 12 days, testers focus on testing new features, retesting fixed bugs, and validating modifications made by developers. The last two days are dedicated to regression testing, ensuring that the changes made by developers do not impact the unaffected features of the application.

Once the 14-day sprint is completed, the build, with all the necessary testing and regression checks, is provided to the customer. This iterative approach ensures the continuous delivery of reliable and stable software to the customers.

Types of Regression Testing

Unit Regression Testing: This type of regression testing focuses on testing only the changed or modified part of the application done by developers.

For example, if a developer made changes to the username text field, resulting in login issues, unit regression testing would involve testing specifically the username, password, and login functionality to ensure they are working correctly.

Regional Regression Testing: Regional regression testing involves testing the changed part of the application as well as the impacted areas.

For instance, if modifications were made in Module D, affecting Module A and Module C, regional regression testing would include testing Module A, Module C, and Module D to ensure the changes did not introduce any issues across these related modules.

In order to determine the impacted areas of the application for regional regression testing, an Impact Analysis meeting is conducted. This meeting involves test engineers, developers, product managers, and business analysts. Developers provide insights into the areas that are affected by the changes they made, while test engineers leverage their knowledge of the application to identify the potentially impacted areas. This collaborative meeting helps the team understand which parts of the application require thorough testing during regional regression testing.

Full regression: It involves testing both the changed features and the remaining parts of the application. It encompasses a comprehensive examination of the entire application to ensure that both the modified and unchanged areas are functioning correctly.

By referring to the Regional regression testing image, full regression testing entails testing all modules, including Module A, Module B, Module C, and Module D. It provides a higher level of confidence in the application’s stability and helps ensure that any changes made do not have unintended consequences on the existing functionality.

In conclusion, regression testing plays a crucial role in software testing by ensuring the unaffected features of an application remain intact during changes or fixes. By adhering to effective regression testing practices, software development teams can ensure the integrity and functionality of their applications in an ever-changing environment.

