Using Toastr In Rails

A flash message is a way to communicate information with the users of your Rails application so they can know what happens as a result of their actions.

The code snippet below shows an action that takes place in the controller. Whenever a user is deleted a flash notice of “deleted successfully” is shown on the screen.

def destroy
@user = User.find(params[:id])
redirect_back fallback_location: '/', notice:"Deleted Successfully"

Here is the code you add to the view template where you want the flash message to display.

<p class="flash"><%= notice %></p>

How to Install Toastr in Rails 6.0

yarn add toastr

Now navigate to `app/javascript/packs/application.js` and add the line of code below, you can add it just above `require(“@rails/ujs”).start()`

@import "toastr/toastr";

Now let’s see if it works, navigate to `app/views/layouts/application.html.erb`, and add the line of code below just before the end body tag.

<%= yield %>
toastr.success('Welcome to rails!!')

Fire up your application with `rails server`, you should have something like this.

Just before you go, remember our first code snippet? Let’s replace the `notice` with our new setup toastr.

<% if flash.any? %>
<script type="text/javascript"><% flash.each do |key, value| %>
<% type = key.to_s.gsub('alert', 'error').gsub('notice', 'success') %>
toastr.<%= type %>('<%= value %>')
<% end %>
<% end %>

To get a full grasp of how toastr works see the documentation.

I hope you find this article useful, if it is, share your comments below.

