Connecting Your Social Media Accounts to HubSpot

Nouhoun Diarra
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2022
Connecting Your Social Media Accounts to HubSpot

Last week we spoke about Marketing your business with HubSpot Marketing Hub, this week we discuss how to connect your social media accounts to HubSpot to start creating and tracking your social media engagement.

The ability to create, schedule, and monitor social media posts makes using HubSpot extremely convenient for small businesses that handle all the different marketing tasks on their own or with limited resources. Quite possibly one of the best features of HubSpot is the HubSpot Social Media tool. In this ever-evolving marketplace, all organizations need to have a robust online presence to gain market share and voice. Connecting your social media accounts in HubSpot is the first step in doing so. And we tell you exactly how to in the #StackgenioBlog today.

The number of social accounts you can connect depends on your Marketing Hub subscription. Learn more about your account limits in the Social Media section on the HubSpot pricing page.

4 steps to get you started

o Log in to your HubSpot account

o In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation.

o Navigate to Marketing→ Social

o In the upper right, click Connect Account

How to connect your social media accounts to HubSpot

Connect Your LinkedIn Account

HubSpot lets you connect all LinkedIn Accounts with the exception of a LinkedIn Group Page. So be it your personal LinkedIn account, your company page, and any showcase pages — you can connect them to HubSpot and then start creating, scheduling, and tracking on all your social media posts from HubSpot.

Follow the steps outlined below to connect your LinkedIn account

o In the dialogue box, select LinkedIn

o You’ll see a check box next to your personal LinkedIn account, and any Company LinkedIn Pages and Showcase Pages you have admin privileges for. Select all the accounts and pages you want to connect

o Click Connect

Connecting Your LinkedIn Account to HubSpot

And, you’re done! You’ve just connected your LinkedIn account to HubSpot. You are now ready to create and schedule posts through the HubSpot Social tool. HubSpot will add tracking code to any post URL so you can track clicks and engagement. HubSpot will also record comments, replies, and report on the performance of your posts.

Note: If you face any issues while trying to connect your LinkedIn account/page, or one of your accounts/pages isn’t available for selection, please review the troubleshooting guide for connecting your LinkedIn page.

Connect Your Twitter Account

Follow the instructions to connect your Twitter account

o In the dialogue box, select Twitter.

o Select Report on posts published from all sources: social posts published from HubSpot and published directly in your social accounts will be included in your social reports. If you choose this option, any user with publishing permissions in the social tool will be able to publish from the Twitter account you connect.

o Review requested permissions, and click Authorize App.

Connecting Your Twitter Account to HubSpot

Connect Your Facebook & Instagram Accounts

A few quick things to note before connecting your Facebook and Instagram accounts. For Instagram accounts to be connected to HubSpot, they must be business accounts and linked to a Facebook page. Personal & Creator Instagram accounts, or Instagram Business accounts not linked to a Facebook page cannot be connected to HubSpot.

Follow the instructions to connect your accounts

o In the dialogue box, select Facebook and Instagram.

o You’ll see any Facebook pages you have admin permissions for, and any Instagram business accounts linked to your Facebook pages. Select the checkbox next to any Facebook page or Instagram business account you want to connect.

o Click Connect.

Connecting Your Facebook & Instagram Accounts to HubSpot

For All Connected Social Media Accounts

After you connect your Social Media Accounts to HubSpot –be it, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, you can create and schedule posts through the HubSpot Social tool. Your posts will be stored and will be published according to the schedule you set. So, if you want to publish LinkedIn on Wednesday, Twitter on Thursday, and Facebook on Friday, HubSpot provides you the functionality to do so. You are in control of your social media publishing schedule.

HubSpot will also add a tracking code to any post URL for the purpose to track clicks that will help with tracking the performance of your posts.

In Summary

HubSpot makes your marketing efforts easier and more time-efficient. If you’re just starting out with HubSpot and need help — Stackgenio’s team of experts can help you with your custom project be it the creation of landing pages, contact us forms, or connecting your social media platforms to HubSpot. Contact us today and let us work together to help you grow your business.

