Deferred Deep Links Vs Deep Links Android

Jaspreet Singh
Published in
1 min readJun 27, 2020

In this Android tutorial, we will discuss What are deep links and deferred deep links and whats the difference between them.

Code for deeplink is here

If you want app your to be open on link you clicked, that can be happen with deep link. If we want to show app’s specific content to user on click on a link, that can be happen with deeplink.

If user does not have app and you want user to show particular content in app, that can be handled with deferred deeplink.

Difference: In deep link app is already installed on device, but in deferred deep links app is not installed on device. Example: If user clicks on link, and if user has app, with the help of deep link it opens, but what happens if user does not have the app, in this case first app will be installed from playstore and after installation, app’s content will show to user, this is deferred deeplinking

I have used deeplink and deferred deeplinks in my app :

Hope you like the article.



Jaspreet Singh

Working in Android Developemen and Tech Mentor .My Github profile is: , Contact me at for more info.