StackOS Appathon: Experience #DeCloud One-Click Deployment Innovation!

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2 min readNov 4, 2021

StackOS is very excited to announce the launch of the first season of Appathon! This is going to be an epic event in which we will be launching new apps on the StackOS App Store on our platform every week for you to deploy and use.

What made us do this?

Applications are a great invention. Think about how many applications you use in a day. From the phone alarm you wake up with to all the work you do on your computer with Docs, Sheets, Remix, or whatever cool things you are building. It’s all happening because of the applications that are being built by the innovators of the world.

But these innovators often have to worry about how and where they deploy their life-changing applications. They need to worry about server downtime, learning a whole different skill set to deploy, or hiring another person/team to do it. They also need to think about the server costs and wonder how efficient they are being.

These are all the wrong reasons to keep the innovators up at night instead of the crazy new feature that they just can’t stop working on, for their application. We understand their pain. This is because StackOS is built by such innovators who just had to find a way to stop this and truly support the innovators who are changing the world.

That’s exactly what we did. We have built a revolutionary decentralized cloud on which the crazy innovators of the world can deploy their applications with just a single click.

This Appathon is an opportunity to onboard more of these world-builders and demonstrates to them the true power of the unstoppable cloud that is StackOS.

New applications will be released on our app store every week and everyone can come, deploy those applications within a minute and experience the revolutionary features of StackOS.

This is truly an exciting time for us and for the innovators of the world because now they can focus on what they do best- real innovation.

About StackOS

StackOS is a cross-chain open protocol that allows individuals and organizations to share their computing resources and collectively offer a decentralized cloud; where developers around the world can deploy any full-stack application, decentralized app, blockchain private nets, and main net nodes.

We aim to provide the world with “The Unstoppable Infrastructure Protocol”, which will allow any person across the world to deploy their application without incurring heavy cloud management costs and freely run any application they wish to run. StackOS furthermore intends to help brick and mortar businesses around the globe, to go online cost-effectively and securely with minimal technical overhead.

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