StackOS Pre-Staking and Liquidity Mining Program

Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2021

As we get closer to the mainnet, we are very excited to announce the Daily Snapshot Program. This program takes place before the Liquidity Mining Program. With the Daily Snapshot Program, we want to reward $STACK token holders with extra tokens, depending on their total points acquired, from a total pool of 500,000 $STACK tokens. Even if the token price increases by 1000% the total number of the pool remains the same!

How does it work?

There will be a daily snapshot at random times for 14 days starting Friday the 21st of May. The number of $STACK tokens held by your wallet will decide the tier you fall under and the total points you receive. Your pool percentage would be 100 times your points divided by the total points accumulated by the participants. This will give you the % you will get from the total pool of 500,000 $STACK tokens.

In order to be eligible, you need to stake in the liquidity program; equal or more than your average amount during the pre-staking program. The tokens won during the Pre-Staking will be paid over the vesting period of four months as long as the tokens remain staked in the liquidity program. The Liquidity Mining Program will start two to three weeks after this program ends, the exact date will be announced.

You are allowed to buy more tokens to get to the next tier and get more points in the next snapshot but you are not allowed to downgrade your tier. People who don’t participate or unlock their tokens from the Staking and Liquidity Mining Program will not get their monthly vested rewards and their rewards will be distributed to active participants.

Overview of the tiers

Below is an overview of the tokens needed for each tier and the daily percentage increase of the total reward you will receive when holding the set amount of tokens during the daily snapshot.

Tier 1: 10,000–25k | 10 points a day

Tier 2: 25,001–50k | 20 points a day

Tier 3: 50,001–100k | 40 points a day

Tier 4: 100,001–200k | 80 points a day

Tier 5: 200,001–400k | 160 points a day

Total acquired points from all tiers of all participants divided by the points of a specific address determine the share that address will get from the reward pool of 500,000 $STACK tokens


Acquire points

In this example, someone has 12k $STACK tokens during the first snapshot (10 points), for the second day he buys more so he holds 55k $STACK tokens during the second snapshot (40 points). Before the third snapshot, he buys additional $STACK to reach tier 5 (210k $STACK) giving him 160 points with every snapshot. After the 14 days, he has gathered a total of (10 + 40 + (12 x 160)) 1970 points.

Calculation of his share of the pool

In this example, 150 participants gathered a total of 75,000 points. Let’s calculate the number of tokens he will win with a total of 1970 points:

(1970 / 75,000) x 100 =2.626% | 500,000 x 0.02626 = 13130 $STACK tokens

Let’s include the increase in token price which comes from the buying pressure because people buy the $STACK token to participate in this program. With an increase of 500%, the total reward for the above example is ($0,40 x 13,130) = $5252


When the Liquidity Mining and Staking Program opens and he stakes at least 184,785.79 $STACK tokens he will receive 1/4th of his reward (3282.5 $STACK) one month into the program. The rest is vested over the following three months. If he unlocks his tokens one month into the program, 3/4th of his rewards won’t be distributed.

What is next?

With mainnet in 2–3 months, this is the first of a series of programs that will be unveiled. We are excited to have you with us on our journey and are thankful for all the contributions made so far in support of the decentralized cloud of StackOS! -Cloud of the people, for the people, by the people

FAQ and Additional Details:

Can I sell tokens during the snapshot period and still be eligible for rewards?

When you drop to a tier below your current one, you won’t be eligible for the rewards. You can, however, buy more tokens to become a higher tier to get more points with each snapshot.

Can I choose not to stake in the Staking and Liquidity Mining Program and still receive rewards?

No, when you join the Staking and Liquidity Mining Program with the average amount of $STACK tokens you held during the 14-day snapshot period, you will receive 1/4th of your reward but if you unstake, you will lose what is left.

