StackOS V2.0 AMA Recap

Published in
4 min readAug 12, 2022

This AMA recap from our Founder and Chief Architect Vishnu Korde, is for everyone who is curious about Web3.0 and the incredible innovations StackOS V2 will bring to the traditional and blockchain tech space:

1. Part of StackOS V2 is not just to modernize the website and its content but also to implement smart contract changes to the infrastructure protocol. All the new implementations are based on customer feedback. StackOS V2 will be launched in stages.

2. StackOS is the world’s largest and most utilized Decloud protocol with 1500 active projects and approximately 6000 Apps running on StackOS with no match in the web3 space.

3. StackOS was designed to be enterprise-grade, and this remains a competitive advantage over our competitors. StackOS is focused on customer feedback, and we are using this to design StackOS V2, and this attitude has helped increase customer adoption. The team is attending the GOA web3 conference, and the CEO and Chief Architect will be speaking at the conference and also seeking partnership and adoption across the board.

4. The Decloud Launchpad intends to create a platform for different protocols to deploy on StackOS, increase the adoption of the StackOS ecosystem and position ourselves as the only partners for web2 companies and organizations to move into web3.

5. And to encourage building of the ecosystem partners DeCloud Foundation’s objective is to gain the capital for increasing products built on the platform.

6. StackOS prioritizes feedback from the customers and the community. The tax rate will not apply to Decloud Launchpad participants depositing a minimum of 10 NFTs, and the team hopes this will increase the number of participants in the program.

7. There will be an option for participants to select or pick their favorite projects launching on the Decloud Launchpad platform.

8. StackOS has and will always be transparent, the reasons why the team has made some hard decisions lately. Despite the market trend, StackOS as a project hasn’t sold a single $STACK token and has no current intention to sell.

9. StackOS’ goal is to run for multiple years and not just survive this bear cycle, and we are already generating revenue which would put us in the top 5 of the web3 index; On getting listed on the web3 index, the revenue details of $Stack will be available for public eyes. We are here for the long-term and have self-sufficient capital to sustain in this bearish market.

10. The Decloud Launchpad platform project is a high-risk investment opportunity, so participants are advised to participate according to their risk appetite.

11. Launchpad Participants will get the initial dollar value of $STACK locked in the Launchpad projects from the onset no matter what the future price action of $STACK.

12. It will not be the decision of DeCloud Foundation to determine the projects where the capital is injected, individuals can make their own decision where their capital is injected.

13. In the future, the Node NFTs may be used by the holders to inject $Stack or Stablecoin into the Launchpad Projects.

14. Three projects are already under the radar of the DeCloud Launchpad platform, Once these projects are finalized, the launch date will be determined by these respective project teams.

15. Once the DAO is set up, the decision-making for the future of StackOS will be under their jurisdiction and also one of the long-term visions is for $Stack to be the gateway for the entire world’s compute.

16. When StackOS V2 is launched our tier 1 partnership with the polygon will make more sense, and it will show how critical our partnership is with Polygon.

17. StackOS will be plugging into different ecosystems and blockchains to help our clients deploy and run applications seamlessly. Also, it is important to know that Polygon has played an important role in StackOS adoption.

18. The analytics dashboard is almost ready, and this will entails numbers of apps deployed daily numbers of concurrent apps and nodes, and different transactions on different chains. Data and graphs for the compute and CPU Memory.

19. AWS, Azure, and GCP are not competitors but partners. There is no specific timeline for the release of Stack V2, but the parts of V2 are released in step by step fashion. the team is working round the clock to make things happen and V2 will be released when it’s ready. We want to avoid Wen V2 folks.

20. Node NFT is essential for the network, and they will be required for the cluster operators to Kick-off the new clusters, and it will be a route to fund different projects that comes into the StackOS ecosystem. The protocols will need these NFTs to inject capital into the Launchpad. And it is also going to be an integral part of the DAO, and all of these will be implemented at different phases on V2.

