Decentralized Café — 20180828 “Swedish Crypto Mafia”

Jean-Daniel Bussy
2 min readAug 31, 2018


Swedish Crypto

This is my last day in Stockholm, Sweden…

Another great city with an chance to connect a crypto community and explore potential partnerships.

I did catch up with the status of EOS to discuss about opportunities on EOS.
EOS and Ethereum only have 8 dApps Combined with 300+ active users.
Needlessly to say the Dapp space is at infancy and it is unclear of which platform will be the foundation of the Web3.0 we are trying to build on.

It is important to be aware of the adoption trend what which tools are the best for us to build on.

Another highlight of those few days was to meet Staffan Taylor a keynote speaker who manage K9, a1100 sqm in prime location Östermalm in Stockholm with 33 rooms.

Daily Standup

⌛️ Yesterday,

Got quotes about the audit of our smart contract.

Interviewed a Talent who applied to join the team.

We are considering our best options to audit the smart contract.

⏳ Today,

I will reach-out and take in some private sale investors.

I will reach-out to potential sponsors of the meetup we are hosting the 11th of September.

🛑 Blockers?


See you guys!

About Decentralized Café

Decentralized Café is a Daily Scrum Meeting format we are currently experimenting.

The Daily Scrum Meeting is a short everyday meeting that generally happens at the start of the working day. But because Stacktical is a globally-distributed team that is always on the go, not everybody is always able to attend this rendez-vous.

With Decentralized Café, our daily stand-up becomes asynchronous, multi media and transparently shared with the community. Anybody can catch up anytime with what their teammates have been up to (and now you can too).

To push the idea further, the traditional three question structure of the daily stand-up will be introduced by a short story connected to one of the daily items.

For feedbacks about Decentralized Café, please reach out on Telegram at



Jean-Daniel Bussy

CTO at Stacktical ⚡️ The 1st Service Level Management platform with Automatic Downtime Compensation. $DSLA #blockchain