Final Project Concept

Stacy Yuan
Stacy’s ITP Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2019

Initial Idea
For our final project, Monni and I decide to do something related to animals and humans. We read the blog and news about wildlife extinction and gave us an idea to the final project. We want to make an interactive installation that will arouse the awareness of wildlife extinction.

We inspired by the idea in the series called ”Stranger Thing” which has an upside-down world.

We wanted to do an upside-down world inside the box, and there are endangered animals in the opposite world. When people putting coins or something related to profit, the world we live in will sink and shrink the space of extinction animals. Some of the animals will disappear because there’s no room for them. After all, we’ll still figure out the detail design of the installation and how to raise people’s awareness by interacting with our project.

Current Idea

After several discussions, we felt that the endangered animal is quite a big topic. Besides, Monni has a class called Social Innovation and she made an ecosystem map for endangered animals topic.

Ecosystem map made by Monni and TianXu

We wanted to narrow down the target to animal hunting, which directly related to us because it might be the original process of some products that we will buy in our daily life. We can’t control climate-changing easily, but we can avoid purchasing the products which will harm animals or made by animals. If our installation can show the real process of the products made by endangered animals, we can arouse the viewer’s awareness of protecting these animals.

Here’s our sketch for the installation:

Because most of the animal hunting is caused by profit from trading, we wanted the people to put the coins in the box, which means trading started. Then the coins will randomly throw in one of the endangered animals’ boxes. For example, if the coins fall into the elephants’ box, the elephants will fall from the top to the bottom and fall into the trap in the middle. After that, the ivory and elephant leather bag will come out from the bottom. At the same time, the screen will show the detail of the elephant’s current population and situation. Besides, the printer will print the detail process of making ivory and elephant leather bag. After the whole experience, viewers will understand the bloody story behind the product.

