Sound walk impression — Her long black hair

Stacy Yuan
Stacy’s ITP Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2019

This was my first time to do the sound walk, and I was excited to experience it. Because I love nature, so I chose the sound walk in the central park. First, we needed to arrive at the start point to begin the sound walk, which is the south entrance of the central park.

The path of the sound walk

In my opinion, the quality of headphone is important because the better headphone you wear, you can hear the audio in the sound walk more clearly. It’s a little creepy that you can feel the voice right next to you. When I was walking, I thought somebody was talking behind me, and then I found out there’s nobody behind my back. Besides, you will know the direction of the sound was coming from, which makes the sound walk more vivid. The most impressive and smart thing is that you can hear the footstep in the audio. Therefore, you can keep the same speed as the women in the sound walk and wouldn’t arrive at the place faster (or slower) than the audio. Also, the instruction is explicit, and the vibe of the story is excellent. Although the weather now is different from the story, I still could imagine the scene that the women described in the sound walk.

After the experience, I think the most important things about making pleasant sound walk are the recording quality and the clarity of the sound. Because the audio creates all the story vibe, and if the audio is not clear and with low quality, it makes the listener hard to get into the story. Furthermore, the instruction needs to be clear and easy to be understood. That way, the listener won’t be confused while doing the sound walk.

