The Revolution of Video Resume Platform — StaffMerge

StaffMerge Inc
Published in
4 min readJun 10, 2020

Table of Content :
1. Introduction.
2. How job seeker Connect. Merge. Work.
3. Employer get maximum benefits.

Corona virus, the deadliest virus of all times started hitting many people around the world from the end of year 2019 resulting to most disastrous financial crises which never experienced by human till date. This leads into reduction of global economy and larger markets and businesses are shut down to prevent Coronavirus to make home in many people’s body and to curb its spread. Due to shutting of large numbers of business around the many people have lost their jobs. As the markets and business are in verge to start after a long period of approximately six months, it will create difficulties in searching new jobs to many people. To overcome this difficulty, StaffMerge Inc. has introduced Video Resume Platform to make job search easy.

With increase in technologies, the way to live life have completely changes in terms of past and with this changing world, technology now helping us at a time of following social distancing. At the time of pandemic StaffMerge Inc is introducing StaffMerge with a mission of CONNECT. MERGE. WORK. It is the global mobile app which serves 30 countries around the world at present. StaffMerge mobile app is the online resume creating platform in which job seekers will be able to create and upload their resumes. They can also search for the jobs and also everything that is needed for a job.

StaffMerge Resume Platform is the platform introduce to improve the entire job market and leads to improvement in whole Human Resources recruitment system. As in conventional practice of job application consists of providing paper printed resume in which we used to check grammatical errors several times before attaching it to job application. It got rejected many times and sometimes it is not even seen by employer. A date from one report publish online describes that about a 50% of the resume in the year 2019 is ignored without even pointing eye towards it. So, these types of situation make difficulty in job search market due to higher numbers of applicants and it creates tuff competition for Job seekers.

StaffMerge comes with advancement in the job search process with its unique features to minimize the above mention problems and to boost the chance of getting hire. For that StaffMerge presents video introduction by which Job Seeker can create video introduction of them self and show it to employer on why should they hire him. In this video introduction, Job seeker can also show Confidence, Professionalism and other soft skills to impress an employer. For example, if somebody is applying for swimming coach job then he/she can create video resume including some best swimming styles in which they are expert to showcase their skills and to make employer to believe that he should hire him.

StaffMerge a video resume platform is not only serves the purpose of Job seekers but it is also proved to be serving Employer in equal manner. Where job seekers post their resumes to get hire in same way employer can also post vacancies in their organisations. Job seekers after making video introduction can send it to employer and StaffMerge allow employer to select perfect candidate on the go for their company making life easier and save time for both employer and job seeker. Now what happened when employer is interested in applied candidate? The answer to this question is that, employer will send message to that candidate through StaffMerge platform. In that they will ask that person to further organizing an interview. The most interesting part of the StaffMerge app is that it allows to plan initial interview via video interview. So that it helps employer to make deep decisions. And once again StaffMerge comes out as a time saving entity for both the parities by making the interview process easier.


Finally, how you can get access to the StaffMerge? It is as easier as registering for Netflix account. You can download mobile application for both Android and IOS through Play Store and App Store respectively. You can subscribe to it after sign up process is complete. It comes with very affordable price tag of $4.99 annually in that you can have unlimited interviews submission as well as receive formal interviews from the employer. So, let’s make life easier by StaffMerge CONNECT.MERGE.WORK.

Originally published at on June 10, 2020.

