StaFi 2021Q2 Roadmap: rDOT/rKSM/rATOM Launch, StakingDrop2, rSubstrate and rTendermint Booming

4 min readApr 2, 2021


Reviewing Q1

In the first quarter of the new year, we rolled out the milestone rETH and rFIS App. We also made the two-way bridge linking StaFi Chain and Ethereum accessible. The beta version of rDOT/rKSM was launched at the same time. As for the marketing work, the native token of StaFi was successfully listed on two top-tier exchanges: Binance and Huobi Global. For our users, we have designed a myriad of Infographics about rToken, facilitating the community’s understanding of the philosophy and mechanism of rToken in a more interesting and direct way.

Looking back, StaFi has made solid progress as far as the application of rToken products are concerned, with two rTokens being made public. TVL lock-up value of the two products reached 31 million USD even without liquidity mining, which is not an easy task to say the least.

On the other hand, we have also realized that there are two problems that need to be tackled:

1)The types of rTokens are rather limited, with only two being accessible.

2)rTokens lack liquidity in DEXes.

The first problem is an impediment to the flourishing rToken ecosystem, as rToken cannot be an essential Staking Derivatives market player without a host of varied rToken assets. Meanwhile, the second issue will affect the adoption of rTokens, since Minting a circulated rToken certificate for users is just the beginning of the business. It’s all about the liquidity of rTokens. Only when rTokens are freely circulated with a stable price, in secondary markets such as DEX, will the liquidity dilemma of Staker’s Staking assets be finally solved.

In the second quarter of 2021, StaFi will focus on these two problems. We will solve them by promptly releasing more rToken Apps and boosting the liquidity of rTokens in DEXes.

2021 Q2 Roadmap

rToken Development

We plan to roll out rDOT/rATOM/rKSM in April, which is quite fast-paced. Among them, rDOT and rATOM will lay the foundation for the scale of rToken assets. They are believed to be the common solutions for the staking liquidity of Polkadot and Cosmos ecosystems respectively. Moving ahead, on the strength of the above two products, we can quickly develop rToken solutions for Substrate-based and Tendermint-based PoS projects. The category of rTokens will be expanded in the near future.

In our planning, we will launch 6 to 10 new rTokens in Q2, so that there will be at most a dozen rTokens covering most of the mainstream PoS projects. The rToken product matrix will begin taking shape.

rSubstrate Solution

StaFi plans to build rSubstrate solution, which is a general solution that unlocks the staking liquidity for the Polkadot ecosystem projects. The solution will be based on the rDOT App.

With the help of rSubstrate, the engineering teams of Polkadot projects will save tons of time and energy, drastically enhancing efficiency. At the same time, we are cooperating with projects which are involved in Polkadot Parachain auction PLO, such as Plasm, ChainX, and Equilibrium. We will provide them with locked DOT liquidity solutions.

rTendermint Solution

StaFi plans to build rTendermint solution, which is a general solution that unlocks the staking liquidity for the Cosmos ecosystem projects. The solution will be based on the rATOM App.

Using rTendermint, StaFi will promptly develop rTokens for our Cosmos ecosystem partners including Terra, Band, Oasis, IRISnet, etc.

StakingDrop 2

In order to liberate the liquidity of rToken in the secondary market such as DEXes, StaFi plans to launch the rToken pair liquidity mining plan in Q2. The campaign is designed for users who support the liquidity for rToken pairs on Uniswap. Till date, we have completed the product development and rule design of StakingDrop. The campaign is expected to be launched after rDOT, rATOM, and rKSM are released.

Testing the Waters

We will focus on rToken assets and liberating the liquidity of the rToken in the secondary market in Q2, but StaFi will also test some new ideas and tracks, such as providing liquidity solutions for projects such as Matic, a second-tier solution to Ethereum. As another example, we will try to offer liquidity solutions to Uniswap V3 NFT LP tokens. We will also reach out to ecosystems other than Polkadot or Cosmos, like Solana, Near, Avalanche, etc.


In the second quarter, StaFi will put the expandation of the rToken category and StakingDrop2 high on our agenda. Meanwhile, the team will also seize every opportunity to push forward the development of StaFi, building a more prosperous Staking Derivative ecosystem. In Q2, 2021, the expandation effects of various rToken products, which cover most mainstream PoS projects, will be visible. Therefore, the next three months will be a critical period for StaFi protocol. We hope that you can join us in building a brighter future for StaFi.

About StaFi Protocol

StaFi is the first DeFi protocol unlocking liquidity of staked assets. Users can stake PoS tokens through StaFi and receive rTokens in return, which are available for trading, while still earning staking rewards. FIS is the native token on StaFi Chain. FIS is required to provide security to the network by staking, pay for transaction fees on the StaFi chain, and mint & redeem rTokens.

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StaFi_Protocol A Decentralize Protocol to Provide the liquidity of Your Staking Assets