StaFi Officially Announces rFIS Liquidity Solution for Its Native Token FIS

7 min readNov 30, 2020


If you don’t have the time to read through the entire article you can check out the short version:


  • rFIS could help FIS nominators unlock the liquidity of staked FIS by trading rFIS any time they want;
  • Original validators:have to run validator nodes of StaFi first before they can apply;
  • Related Fees: 0 for minting, 20% staking reward commission split by StaFi and validators, 0.2% redemption fee;


By the design of rFIS, users only need to conduct FIS Staking through the FIS Staking contract deployed by StaFi in order to obtain rFIS token, which anchors the Staked FIS as well as the Staking income. As the first-ever rToken asset issued on the StaFi chain, rFIS not only acts as an liquidity-releaser for nominators on StaFi mainnet, but also as a test field and a representative case for other rToken solutions in the future. The new normal of rFIS will be an outset for all explorations in the future, such as options, loans and other derivatives. Therefore, the release of the rFIS beta version has great practical significance for StaFi, with regards to the realization of rETH, rDOT and other rToken solutions. It is an important beginning of the wide application of all rTokens.

Introduction to rFIS


rFIS is a Staking asset redemption certificate issued by StaFi to users. When a user Stakes FIS (the native token of StaFi), StaFi will calculate the amount of rFIS to be obtained by the user based on the current exchange rate between FIS and rFIS. When a user holds rFIS, StaFi will calculate the amount of FIS that can be redeemed based on the Staking income of FIS.

The rFIS exchange rate (Ci) increases with the accumulation of Staking income. It is mainly determined by the total number of FIS locked in the staking contract (Qstk), the total number of redeemed FIS (Qred), the number of staking rewards (Qrew), the number of slashes (Qslh), the commission rate (Rcom), the total issuance of rFIS (M) and the amount of rFIS that were burned (N). The formula is as follows:

Value Propositions

StaFi has made the following progress for FIS stakers through the introduction of rFIS:

1) There is no need to worry about the liquidity of the FIS tokens that are Staked. You can trade rFIS on Uniswap any time to obtain liquidity in the future;

2) The StaFi Staking Contract Pool will automatically capture those Original Validators with the highest ROI on the chain for Staking, which can optimize the users’ staking yield.

3) The current NPoS Staking mechanism adopted by the StaFi mainnet is hard to be understood for an ordinary Staker, with regards to the consensus mechanism, the maximum number of nominators that a validator can have, the determinants of Reward, how to claim reward, how to choose the best validators, and so on. But with the emergence of rFIS, FIS stakers can conduct FIS Staking with just one-click.

Original Validators Program

In the business structure of rFIS, we will launch the Original Validators (OV) program. The Original Validators are the ones who join the FIS Staking Contract plan. Using the FIS token deposited by the user, the StaFi Staking contract will nominate each OV who joins the OV plan according to the nomination rules.

The OV in the rFIS solution needs to first run the nodes of the StaFi mainnet, and then register through StaFi’s OV registration tool. At the same time, StaFi will establish an intelligent scoring system to quantitatively score the performance of each OV who joins the rFIS Staking Contract. High-ranking nodes will first become the official OV.

The main criteria are:

1) Background of node operator;

2) The frequency of disconnection;

3) Historical Slash;

4) The amount of Staked FIS.

OV Nomination Rules

Since StaFi adopts NPoS consensus, the staking income obtained by each elected node is relatively equal without any correlation with the number of Staked FIS. In addition, the nominators (stakers) of the elected nodes will share the proceeds of Staking by the proportion of votes. That means if one elected node has more Staked FIS than another, stakers will enjoy higher RoR if they choose to Stake the later.

Therefore, the rFIS Staking Contract will automatically execute the following nomination strategy:

1) Nominations are executed in every Era(6H).

2) OVs are selected whose commission is set less than or equal to R, which will be set at 10% in the beginning.

3)Nominations of the picked OVs are sorted from low to high, and the first number N OVs are chosen to nominate (number N will set at 10 in the beginning).

Note: Both R and N are governance parameters and will be slightly adjusted according to the market situation and product development.


Through rFIS, StaFi can help users avoid being Slashed in the following ways:

1) Staking Contract prefer selecting validators who have not been Slashed in history to be official OVs;

2) Staking funds will select 16 OVs each time when they are nominated. Therefore, even if one Original Validator is Slashed, it will not have a big impact on Staking Rewards.


StaFi network will calculate the reward for all validators each Era(6hour). However, the nominators (Stakers) and validators will not receive rewards unless they claim them. If the Rewards have not been claimed for 84Era (21days), they will be destroyed.

within 21 days, as long as a validator or a Staker Claims rewards, the system will automatically issue rewards for all Stakers. In order to let Stakers receive Staking Reward in a timely manner, StaFi Staking Contract will adopt smart contracts to Claim rewards regularly at an appropriate frequency, such as every 6 hours.

Therefore, if any of the following two situations occurs, StaFi will update the exchange rate of rToken in time:

1) Other Stakers apply for claim, which causes StaFi Staking Contract to receive the Staking Reward before the next round of automatic Claim;

2) The automatic Claim Reward is triggered every 6 hours, and so the Staking Contract receives Staking Rewards.

rFIS Expenses

Mint rFIS

In order to encourage rFIS Staking, rToken minting is totally free.


StaFi and Original Validators will in total charge 20% of the net income of the rFIS Staking Contract as commission. The Commission ratio of OV will be dynamically adjusted according to the number of validators in the StaFi Staking Contract. For example, when a small number of OVs are added to rFIS, StaFi may increase OV’s Commission ratio to attract more OVs.

At the beginning of the business, OV’s Commission rate is temporarily set at 10%. So Original Validators will receive 10% of the net income of rFIS Staking contracts as Commission.

Burn rFIS

When users want to redeem FIS, they only need to apply for redemption from StaFi Staking Dashboard. Soon, they will obtain FIS tokens. The redemption process is mainly divided into two steps:

Step 1: Submit the number of rFIS for redemption, the maximum number is the total number of rFIS one holds;

Step 2: After your submission has been confirmed, the system will burn a certain amount of rFIS, and calculate the quantity of FIS by the current exchange rate. Then the system will deduct the service charge and Commission fee and send the remaining to the user’s wallet address.

The redemption fee for rFIS (Feered) is determined by the number of rTokens that the user applies for redemption (M), the current rToken/Token exchange rate (Rc), and the redemption rate (Rr):

The redemption fee (Rr) is 0.2% in the initial stage.

Features of rFIS

1) The exchange rate of rFIS/FIS will gradually increase as Staking rewards are generated

2) Users can calculate the amount of rFIS obtained according to the rFIS exchange rate;

3) rFIS can be circulated in DEX and CEX, and used in DeFi protocols. rFIS is also projected to be available on Ethereum, Polkadot and Cosmos blockchains through StaFi cross-chain bridge service.

rFIS Secondary Markets

StaFi will create secondary markets for rFIS through the following ways:

1) When rFIS products are launched, StaFi will establish rFIS/FIS trading pairs on DEX such as Uniswap and Balancer, and will also incentivize liquidity providers through FIS rewards.

2) StaFi has reached cooperation with some centralized exchanges that will also facilitate the trading of rFIS. That will help the circulation of rFIS in multiple centralized exchanges.

3) StaFi will not only support the circulation of rFIS on Ethereum, but also allow rFIS to be utilized in Polkadot and the Cosmos ecosystems through our cross-chain bridge services.

4) In addition to trading on CEX and DEX, rFIS can also be utilized in DeFi protocols, either used as collateral or being lent out to earn additional interests.

Income Distribution Plan

In the future, the revenue of the rFIS solution will be distributed as following:

1) 70% will be given back to FIS token holders, in the form of buyback or token burning;

2) 20% will be deposited in the StaFi Treasury to support the further development and market promotion of the StaFi ecosystem;

3) 10% will be allocated to the StaFi team.

About StaFi Protocol

StaFi is the first DeFi protocol unlocking liquidity of staked assets. Users can stake PoS tokens through StaFi and receive rTokens in return, which are available for trading, while still earning staking rewards. FIS is the native token on StaFi Chain. FIS is required to provide security to the network by staking, pay for transaction fees on the StaFi chain, and mint & redeem rTokens.

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StaFi_Protocol A Decentralize Protocol to Provide the liquidity of Your Staking Assets