2024 Master Classes #3 -Product-Market Fit — with Noa Ganot, Founder of Infinify

Yael Eckstein
StageOne Ventures
Published in
1 min readSep 19, 2024

Back from #summer and diving right back into our #masterclasses!

Yesterday afternoon, we had an incredible session for our portfolio on #Product-Market Fit, led by Noa Ganot, founder of Infinify ✪ Product Leadership Institute by Noa Ganot.

Here are some key insights we covered:

  • The Holy Grail: Why is product-market fit so critical for startup success?
  • The Roadmap to Product-Market Fit: A step-by-step framework developed by Noa based on real-world experience across various industries and company sizes.
  • Measuring Product-Market Fit: The metrics that you need to define and follow to make sure you are on the right track.
  • Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them: The most common challenges startups face on the journey to product-market fit and how to navigate them effectively.
  • Real-Life Case Studies: Learn from the journeys of companies we all know, as well as startups that Noa guided throughout the years.

A big thank you to Noa for sharing her invaluable expertise and helping our founders gain clarity on this crucial topic!

Recording of the masterclass: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/ekTFYxChaLl6Rv88Z3MXsCGkl5bd-t0dz9kKF9r0H4x-vcst8KMjB5LJyCVzakWC.sEQDfy-H6pOG2DuI

